No black,white or crap.. Only grey

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:00 am

There is no point in having heroes without evil. Hence there would be no point in the elder scrolls.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:31 am

I dunno about the thieves guild being totally evil. I actually liked how Bethesda balanced their mentalities in Morrowind and Bethesda. They weren't good or evil. They just did jobs. Some people in the guild were more rough and shady, while others were more noble and respectable thieves. In a thieves guild, such a balance of personalities and varied goals amongst members fits the concept best, IMO.

I agree, I think Morrowind probably had one of the best and most believable senses of morality out of all the games I've played in my lifetime. Oblivion went in the complete opposite direction and made the game into a rather childish sense of good and evil. The thieves guild members were all robin hoods. Even the Dark Brotherhood wasn't so much evil as it was just insane. No entire organization should be on either end of the spectrum; all the people within the organizations should have their own moralities. Just because these people share a common goal or profession doesn't mean they're a hive-mind. Like the mages guild all hunting down necromancers, or even all necromancers being evil. Obviously necromancy tends to be an easily corruptible profession, but not all of them are going to be downright evil, nor are all regular mages going to outright hate necromancers just for being necromancers. Hell, most of both of those organizations are just scholars, basically what would now be called scientists.

The oddly unrealistic (for Bethesda, anyway) portrayal of morals was probably my biggest problem with Oblivion, and I sincerely hope the writers and designers have made it more like past TES games; honestly I even thought both of the Fallout games did better at this than Oblivion, so I'm really hoping they fix that issue in Skyrim.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:57 am

I think that you are missing the point.

I think we're talking about BLENDING the two here. Some white... some dark. Gray, instead of black-and-white. Right now, as it was in Oblivion, the factions have almost NO gray. The only gray faction is the Thieves Guild.

At least from -my- perspective, this is Jarring. Why are the Fighters Guild members ALL goody-two-shoes lawful citizens with nothing but noble hearts and a lust for killing wild creatures and bandits? The Fighters Guild is supposed to be a haven for warriors... not a place for wanna-be Town Guards who just couldn't make the grade. Oblivion's factions were all very cut and dried. Mages are good, Necromancers bad. Fighters are good. Blackwood is bad.

GOOD and BAD, as you have said, are subjective! They're undefinable!

Skyrim, in my mind, would be best served with factions represented as having both the 'just' and 'un-just' within their ranks. Not everyone becomes a doctor because he wants to heal. Some just want to make money. Some just want an excuse to get you out of your clothes. Others, they have a fascination with death... or pain... or suffering. I've met all three.

There are people out there who really do just try to do right by everyone. And then there are folks who'll screw you over just because they can.

This should be the case in Skyrim's factions, just as it has always been in Elder Scrolls factions. Some guys are the guys you want on your side... some are the guys you want to watch your back around.

I think you're getting the wrong message from this topic, mate. Maybe you should re-read it.

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Greg Swan
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:45 pm

I wouldn't mind the DB's cultishness if they dropped the sithis crap and just focused on the Night Mother(Mephala). Sithis isn't even a sentient being, its a force of nature. They should change sithis to Lorkhan, or just drop it and stick with the night mother.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:47 am

I like this idea.
Would love to see it. (perhaps with different endings depending on who you do quests for)

I agree with you but I would like the choice to be semi-corrupt or good when I am Master of the Fighter's Guild. Which means I hope we continue on with quests and duties when we are the leader.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:38 am

There should be things that make you question your actions instead of just following orders. Things that reward you for investigating further.

A guild for example doesn't have to be corrupt or otherwise unjust in perpetrating a mix of morality. The leader could very well be a good, and noble person, but those just below or in similar positions of power could be corrupt or dishonest...with recruits and other lower ranked individuals divided or completely ignorant of the issue.

There could be a quest chain where the highest ranking guard of a city tasks you with killing or arresting guards in the city who are suspected of being corrupt, blindly following orders will reveal that the ranking commander was the one that was truly corrupt, and you just gave them a massive jump in power and influence by removing their presence.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:09 am

It's a fantasy game, nothing wrong with some Paladins and ruthless killers. And remember, black and white can be politicised to appear grey. Morag Tong, oh yeah, they were sanctioned, that makes them more interesting. Doesn't change the fact that murder for hire is pretty much black and white evil, legal or not. Or were Morag Tong operatives allowed to refuse certain jobs if they felt the victim didn't deserve it?

Check out witcher 2; they have the paladin knight and shining armor characters, but it is only a facade.

But the thing is DEEP DOWN they believe themselves to be good

and depending on YOUR POV they are good or evil and you may or may not decide to side with them

Same thing applies for the resistance/terrorist/rebel group.
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:31 pm

why be evil?
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:18 am

You obviously haven't read any lore... especially not when related to the DB or TG... and especially not the MG, founded by Vanus Galerion, sworn enemy of Mannimarco, the founder of the Order of Worms...
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:41 am

The only exception to this was the dark brotherhood.. Which was stupidly "evil".

I don't agree with that. Yes, they could be considered morally dark, however they answered violence with violence. Karma. Do bad things, bad things will happen to you, by bad people. Perfect example is Rufio.
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CSar L
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:17 am

I like black and white, it makes me feel like a BADASS killing a evil Argonian. THUNDER THUNDER THUNDER THUNDERCATS HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:35 am

I understand what you are saying, but when it comes to the Dark Brotherhood, the thing is that they actually ARE a cult. An assassin cult. While their overly gothic and "I CUT MY WRIST FOR SITHISSSSSS" mentality did sometimes get to me, I had to accept that this is a religious organization. I got over it pretty quickly, especially after I got my own Black Hand enchanted cloak at the end of the quest. I really loved that thing.

I think that the best way to handle it is not to change the Dark Brotherhood. I say just add another competing assassin organization. One that is more cold, calculating, and professional. More business-like ya know? In fact, I would more likely join them than the Dark Brotherhood, because my character never really cared that much about the whole Night Mother and Sithis thing. He just wanted to hone his craft, perfect his art, and make some mad gold in the process.

Competing with the Dark Brotherhood would be absolutely awesome. At least until they start coming after you....

This ** is well said. Remember, the Dark Brotherhood is in fact an offshoot of the Morag Tong, who themselves are for the most part also a cult dedicated to Mephala (which some lore suggests is also actually the Night Mother). My own assassins never gave a crap about the Night Mother or Sithis, just the money.

A "new" and "professional" assassins guild would be awesome, but barring that I would love to have both the DB and Morag Tong in the game, to compete/war against one another, and allow the PC to only join one....and/or join one and then ultimately be able to take over both or eradicate one of them.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:50 am

why be evil?

For the majority of the world no one believes themselves to be evil; even hitler thought he was doing good, so did stalin, but from OUR point of view they are evil, BUT from there POINT OF VIEW they are good. But that itself is a little extreme.

I love to site games like the witcher 2 for getting morality done correctly.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:10 am

why be evil?

Because it's freaking awesome? Who doesn't love cracking orphan skulls in Fallout 2? Who doesn't love sacking caravans in Fallout, or committing mass genocide? With their experience from F3, I bet evil will be 10x more fun than it was in Oblivion. Although Whodunit? is still epic despite its not exactly evil. Being the White Knight gets boring, misery and fear is where it's at! Good should be about rejecting said evil pleasures, and being evil is embracing it! All I want to do in Skyrim is commit genocide and ethnic cleansing. Why? Because it's fun. I love being a racist [censored].
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:38 am

Because it's freaking awesome? Who doesn't love cracking orphan skulls in Fallout 2? Who doesn't love sacking caravans in Fallout, or committing mass genocide?


Like I said earlier, in a dozen or two characters in Oblivion, I've only even seen Lucien spawn twice. And never took his offer. Fallout 3..... certainly never blew up Megaton. It's a bit darker game, so I have killed a few questionable targets (like the "vampires"). Fallout NV.... tried to start a second playthrough to try a different path, but couldn't bring myself to side with the Powder Gangers over the Goodsprings residents. My Mass Effect & KotoR characters are generally 100% paragon/lightside. Etc, etc, etc.

Just can't bring myself to play the badguy.

So, yeah..... not a big fan of :shrug:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:14 am

Grey doesn't mean good and evil acts both. Have the guilds be out for their own motives, and you have to do whatever it takes to complete those objectives.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:47 pm


Like I said earlier, in a dozen or two characters in Oblivion, I've only even seen Lucien spawn twice. And never took his offer. Fallout 3..... certainly never blew up Megaton. It's a bit darker game, so I have killed a few questionable targets (like the "vampires"). Fallout NV.... tried to start a second playthrough to try a different path, but couldn't bring myself to side with the Powder Gangers over the Goodsprings residents. My Mass Effect & KotoR characters are generally 100% paragon/lightside. Etc, etc, etc.

Just can't bring myself to play the badguy.

So, yeah..... not a big fan of :shrug:

*heroic brofist*
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keri seymour
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:01 am


Like I said earlier, in a dozen or two characters in Oblivion, I've only even seen Lucien spawn twice. And never took his offer. Fallout 3..... certainly never blew up Megaton. It's a bit darker game, so I have killed a few questionable targets (like the "vampires"). Fallout NV.... tried to start a second playthrough to try a different path, but couldn't bring myself to side with the Powder Gangers over the Goodsprings residents. My Mass Effect & KotoR characters are generally 100% paragon/lightside. Etc, etc, etc.

Just can't bring myself to play the badguy.

So, yeah..... not a big fan of :shrug:

I don't think the argument is, "You shouldn't be able to be good", but rather, "I should be able to be bad, if I want to be bad." Gray morality makes things more interesting in a roleplaying game -- and it's very hard to pull off. Quite honestly, I think we way quite enough black and white games out there on the market as it is. I would like Bethesda to make me a die-hard fan again by throwing me a bone.

When you get a game like Oblivion where everything is scripted so that you have be this knight in shining armor on a proverbial white horse, it gets old really fast. I almost always play GOOD characters because I personally cannot do atrocious things to video game characters, but even I would like there to be options.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:17 am

I agree with this. At this point, I think grey worlds of morally grey greyness worlds where you can't do your grocery shopping without being presented with some ambiguous moral conundrum have become more trite than Good vs Evil.

And what you do with this, is add a few "grey" areas in the middle of the chain, such as doing a "good" quest, having a grey area in the middle and whatever choice you make can spiral that into a more Evil outcome.

Edit: To go a little more in depth, it would allow you to actually "fall from grace" or "redeem one's self" in game. Gradually. You can either make subtle grey area choices that over time weigh up to redeeming yourself for sins, or it can slowly become your character's descent into madness.

Some games do this, but usually when you're trying to join a good only or evil only faction when your morality is... unsavory to them. I'm thinking more along the lines of a quest chain where you're doing tasks for a supervisor of some sort, and along the road you find out that he may or may not be who or what he says he is. You can choose to ignore it, confront him, or take it to another officer, and the outcome can end up as anything from being attacked by your former mentor for being a traitor(going along with it for a while, then turning him in after getting your due) to becoming the head honcho of a new organization after plotting the demise of some.. competition. And then backstab and kill your own mentor. Or do his deeds till you notice something's not right and turn him in immediately... only to find out your lead was wrong(or bribed) and you have to make it right.. or do you?

Things like this make it interesting. Every organization has it's corrupt fools and overzealous preachers... why no play both sides from the inside?
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:23 am

The dark brotherhood wasn't all that bad the first guy they get you to kill killed a young girl. There sould be good, evil quests as well as everything imbetween.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:21 am

I think that, to have a true sandbox game, some grey decisions have to be in play.
- Forces the player to think. The lesser of two evils? Is evil good in some cases?
- Mindlessly choosing evil for the sake of being evil is lame. Always being the good guy and having a perfect world is unrealistic.
- More variety in quests. Mix in black/white with some grey quests to cover all your bases.
- Multiple NPC's can assign a quest. You have two feuding NPC's. Both can assign a quest to the player, instead of just the "good" guy or "bad" guy.

Some of TES's greatest characters were morally grey figures. The Tribunal is a perfect example. They betrayed and murdered their good friend Nerevar and stole the power of the Heart. After accomplishing this, Sotha Sil used his powers to teach the Psijic Order and make pacts with the Daedra. Vivec and Almalexia used their powers to inspire the Dunmer and protect the Dunmer people. They also played instrumental roles in protecting Tamriel from Dagoth Ur's attempt to conquer the continent with the second Numidium. To this end, they consistently lied about the events at Red Mountain and persecuted those who sought the truth about Nerevar. Was the hundreds (thousands?) of years of good the Tribunal accomplished worth the murder of Nerevar and hunting down his believers?
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:37 pm

I see what you mean.. This is wilderness and is facing Civil War.. The last thing i would expect is to have everyone dandy to see you... But we have seen some evil actions already... The guy running away from Dragonborn after freeing him from spider webs... But people should purposely take advantage of your strength and knowledge for self gain...
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:32 am

People in the Elder Scrolls Universe are probably really motivated to choose between good and evil because at least every century some godly being is descending upon them bring doom/salvation, so its kind of understandable why things are black and white.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:01 am

I'm a big fan of having to make morally grey decisions, so naturally I like having grey. With the civil war, I wouldn't even mind if either side was distinctly better than the other. After all, Aduin is the real baddy (in a sort of good, bad things will happen if he doesn't eat the world sort of way).
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:23 am

Personally, I don't care, at least as far as my character's actions, whether or not someone thinks they are doing good. It's interesting from a story point of view, of course, to have morally ambiguous antagonists, but when it comes to acting on something, murdered peasants count for a whole lot more than the killer's tortured soul or belief that they are doing good in the long run. So you want to the world a favour by bringing order? And to do that you have to kill a load of innocents? Tough. Your order comes at too high a price. I want black, grey, and white, but I also want the option to have my my character behave 'white' or whatever on her own terms.
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