Here's me:
I like:
- More extensive animal AI, because it makes the world feel alive and real
- The levelling (no more major/minor skills, attributes, etc), because it makes more sense and feels less like a mess
- The beautiful skills menu with stars and constellations, because it's beautiful to look at and is an excellent idea
I dislike:
- Finishing moves sometimes force you into third person, because I like being in control of my character and not be interrupted in the "feel of combat"
- Compass icons, because they remove the possibility of finding hidden dungeons and such, since they're always shown on the compass
- Quest markers, because they hold your hand as if you couldn't think for yourself and they turn quests into a way that makes you feel like a "mindless robot"
I hope for:
- The spell Clairvoiance to be able to be used as an optional replacer of quest markers, because it would make for an immersive and fully optional way of dealing with quest markers
- There being lots of underwater life, because it helps with making the world feel alive and interesting
- The PC version to actually look "even way better", because it would make Skyrim look on par with other newly released games and make everything even more immersive and breathtaking