Mr. House, why are you in such rough shape?

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:44 pm

Spoilers for fallout 3 and NV I warned you.

Mr. House spent allot of money and time to preserve and ready himself for what was too come. He had the most advanced technology.

In Fallout 3 in vault 122 I believe, it is filled with simulation pods where people lived in a fake reality. I find it hard to believe a body sitting in a simulation pod and not much else is able to preserve there them in such a state. If you have seen Mr. House it seems a little awkward that even with that advanced technology he’s using his body is in terrible shape. You would think in the simulation pods that they would all be sick, dieing from time eating away at their body in a wimpy little pod with not much life support.

Should bethesda writing be a little to blame because comparing the two it makes House seem like his life will end abruptly in a matter of time. Thought?
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:38 pm

i think alot of it has to do with the mind. Where the people in 112 do not Realize that there not in reality. There in a computer sim. Mr house on the other hand talked about his old OS system causing him to go into comatose often. I think Houses system is much larger then the 112 sim causing more "physical" damage.
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:10 am

i think alot of it has to do with the mind. Where the people in 112 do not Realize that there not in reality. There in a computer sim. Mr house on the other hand talked about his old OS system causing him to go into comatose often. I think Houses system is much larger then the 112 sim causing more "physical" damage.

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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:25 am

yeah, you would be suprised just how much the mind affects the body...It is pretty obvious that stress causes physical changes in people where as people living in a care free dream world arent racking there brain with all sorts of negative things whereas Mr. House has had many years to think about his current state.

Though you would think with all his high tech equipment he might be able to preserve his body a bit better :flamed:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:45 pm

I think its a bit more complicated then filters, a suppression pod, and breathing tubes. Air is what requires us to live, and Ironically, is what deteriorates our very body's system, along with stress, Mitochondria cells that actually affect aging in the body, and the fatigue. You can't keep your body in fit shape if your in a pod for 200 years. Muscle deteriorates when no nutrition and NO activity is commence on them, shrinking to nothing but bones and fibrous tissues as they die off, since the body thinks: no longer using this, why should I keep it on me? WASTE I SAY!" before literally killing it off, and feeding it to somewhere it NEEDS it, like the brain, stomach, and other vital organs. Unless he installed a electrical 'massaging' wires within his muscles, then hes going to obviously lose them within years. Another fun fact is the bone. Without calcium and the right treatments, bones become naturally brittle as they lose their bone cells to coat them, giving them that strong, white-as-snow look. finally, his heart. As time passes on, his heart will slowly deteriorate as well, getting weaker as less nutrition is bypassed towards it, and with the lack of activities, it too, will shrink in muscle mass. House didn't Prevent Death....he just bought a little more time :chaos:
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