With Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and many other great games coming out in only a few months, i have decided to start my last play through.
I want you guys to help me make him/her. My only rule for them is this time i am playing it as realistic as i can get it (hardcoe needs to be harder, otherwise its just boring!) Anyways... i will be using hardcoe mode and they will be a survivalist, other than that i want you guys to come up with the rest.
Fill out these basic questions and/or give any other ideas for how i should play them.
Question 1: What should the Gender of the Character?
Question 2: What should the Name of them be?
Question 3: What our their favorite weapon styles?
Question 4: Who do they work for?
Question 5: What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L?
(Any other ideas of how i should make them put after questions)