As a resident of a city currently in the path of the hurrica

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:07 pm

like my son's asthma nebulizer

Thank you for mentioning that. My little nephew uses one of those. I've just given his mother a call to call her attention to that need.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:32 pm

I've been through too damn many of them I forget their names. But I remember the storms. The worst part is always the power outages. The last two I had come through I was without power for 10 days in August and them 14 days in October. October is still pretty damn hot down here, but the August one was brutal. I've got a generator, but it's not big enough to run the A/C. No power means no A/C, no hot water, no cooking unless you got a grill, everything in the fridge goes bad and lots of folks have medical needs that require power, like my son's asthma nebulizer. If you can leave, leave. Period. I always send my family away now when one's gonna hit. I gotta stay because of where I work, but I'm used to eating cold food out of a can. :hubbahubba:

-gunny out.

Mr. Gunny, there is now no limit of your manliness or your badassness. :hubbahubba:
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:45 pm

... I would like to thank the creators of the Fallout series for mentally preparing me for living in the coming wasteland-to-be.

I've gone shopping today and brought my duck tape, my Purified Water (well, bottles of seltzer anyway - the other waste landers-to be bought out all the regular bottled water), my Nuka Cola (well, Diet Coke. You can't have everything.), my cans of Pork and Beans (er, vegetarian cilli beans?), my pinyon nuts (uh, you you believe raw cashew nuts?) , my Fission Batteries (ok, they're just Everyready) . I thought about laying my hands on a 9mm pistol, but we still have a police department that takes a dim view of such things.

Here's hoping I'm still standing when its over (let alone my apartment building), and still able to play Lonesome Road whenever it does come out. Seeing the cracks the min-earthquake put in the Washington Monument gave me such pleasant memories of playing fallout 3.

Ta ta for now. Time to duck tape those windows!

I hope u know duct tapeing the windows dosn't help what does work is boarding up the windows does. hope this helps
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:22 pm

Relax, its just a hurricane (I lived in North Carolina when a hurricane hit once and was unfortunate enough to be visiting my grandparents in Florida many years ago when a different hurricane hit) its not like everybody is laucnhing ICBMs at Ameria or anything.

All I have done to prepare is make sure my flashlight has new batteries.

EDIT- I'm in NY and I'm pretty sure I'm in its path.

I'm in Jersey and about the only thing I did was buy 10 gallons of gasoline for my generator. But not because of the impending rain from the impending hurricane to hit no where near me (because I'm about 190 miles inland) but because I have one of the worst power and light companies in the known universe (JCP&L they svck so bad) and I expect my power to go out as soon as the sun goes down. Sometimes, I feel like I live in a third world country with no electricity due to JCP&L.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:58 pm

I'm used to eating cold food out of a can.

And that's another thing I can thank Fallout for training me to do. Once I get a good obsess going with a Fallout character, I can play nearly 24 hours straight eating beans out of the can right at my computer, with a box of diet coke next to my PC's tower on the floor. . (I wouldn't give you two cents for my keyboard about now, though.)

I just removed two of the sliding wooden doors from my bedroom closet and placed them against the sliding glass doors in my dinning room. With the dinning room table moved up against them, I think that should stop any 95 mph BBQ grills. I think I can move one of my computer tables over to where it will be just under the bay window and then put my second computer table on its side on top of it so that the table top faces the window and then put a bunch stuff behind that table top. That may or may not stop the 95 mph iron lawn chair. The thing is, I have to use what I've got on me now because there are already traffic jams with work crews doing things before to storm hits and people rushing off to grab things out of Home Depot. Also, I'm not set up to transport big pieces of lumber around.

Anybody know if the wind only comes from one direction in a hurricane? It seems like I should put most of my time on southern side of my place since that the direction the hurricane is coming from. I've got people telling me I'm doing too much, and I've got people telling me I'm not doing enough.

When it hits, I'm going to stay in my bathroom (the only room that doesn't have a window) with a flash light, some books, a battery powered radio, and my canned food and bottled drink.

Gak, I'm starting to sound like the survivalist guy with the terminal entries in Honest Hearts.
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The Time Car
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:03 am

Anybody know if the wind only comes from one direction in a hurricane? It seems like I should put most of my time on southern side of my place since that the direction the hurricane is coming from. I've got people telling me I'm doing too much, and I've got people telling me I'm not doing enough.

For the most part the wind blows in whatever direction the hurricane moves. This is heavily dependant on the system, however, as the currents can change on a whim and radically change the damage being created.

The most you can do is what I'm doing: Cover the windows, stay away from the windows, have MRE ready (Meals Ready to Eat, doesn't necessarily mean food rations, just food you can eat as is without the need of an oven or microwave), and water. Though, if your water system is dependant on your power like my grandmother's is (meaning when the power goes out, you have no running water), a tub full of water to be used for when you need to use the bathroom, cannot hurt (by this I mean taking the water in the tub, and putting it in the toilet to flush. :P).

That's all I do and it has gotten me through many a hurricane, and I live right next to the ocean.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:45 pm

That's all I do and it has gotten me through many a hurricane, and I live right next to the ocean.

Thank you for that. I hadn't thought of using bathtub water for flush water. That's a good idea.

I forgot that hurricanes are moving pinwheels The wind may come from the south initially, but as it moves north of me, it'll from from the north, and hurricanes have been known to spin off mini-twisters, so one can get it from all sides. I've got more plans for covering my windows with what I've got in the house. I think I can minimize, but not entirely eliminate the possible damage. As long as the damage is outside of the apartment I should be ok. Thanks again. .
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:37 am

Thank you for that. I hadn't thought of using bathtub water for flush water. That's a good idea.

I forgot that hurricanes are moving pinwheels The wind may come from the south initially, but as it moves north of me, it'll from from the north, and hurricanes have been known to spin off mini-twisters, so one can get it from all sides. I've got more plans for covering my windows with what I've got in the house. I think I can minimize, but not entirely eliminate the possible damage. As long as the damage is outside of the apartment I should be ok. Thanks again. .

No problem, happy to help.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:40 am

Go inside the Vault-Tec vault.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:53 pm live in italy...nver had hurricanes here yet...just some hearquakes...aniways...god bess you...god bless the i mean...god bless america.Good luck.It cannot be worst of a nuclear fallout.
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john page
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:01 am

DO you happen to live in New York City?

And what floor of your apartment building you on.

Either way, ill pray for you, just like ill pray for anyone else stuck in the storm.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:31 am
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:16 am

Either way, ill pray for you, just like ill pray for anyone else stuck in the storm.

Thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate them.

I live in central New Jersey. The latest is that the storm should arrive Saturday night. They're saying that the storm is moving slowly, so the rough weather will last a while. But they did say that has (or will be) been downgraded to a category 1. The actual weather report for my town is: "Sunday: Hurricane conditions possible. A wind driven heavy rain. High 74F. Winds NNW at 35 to 50 mph. Rainfall over 2 inches expected." I'll take 50mph over 95mph any day.

Right now I've got two wooden doors against my glass sliding door with the dinner table against them. I've got two book shelves on a table in front of my bay window, I've put my matress on a table I moved into my kitchen so that its covering the kitchen window (If I have time I'll duct tape plastic trash bags to the mattress to keep it dry.) The box spring is tall enough to completely cover my bedroom window just standing up. (And yes, I am used to sleeping on the flloor, that won''t bother me.) I took two doors off some closets and got their hinges to fit together with their pins so that I have one big door that fits neatly over a window on the stairs coming up to my place. Now the whole place looks like that scene in Night of the Living Dead, lacking only zombies coming through the windows. Life can sure get interesting sometimes.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:43 am

August 1991, hurricane Bob hit New England.

I was on a Nuclear Attack Submarine....In Long Island sound....on the surface.

I learned two things that day. First, submariners have no idea what "Stow for sea" means. Second, I could get sea sick.

Almost 20 years to the day later NAVSUBASE NL, CT gets to go though all that fun again.
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carley moss
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:22 pm

August 1991, hurricane Bob hit New England.

I was on a Nuclear Attack Submarine....In Long Island sound....on the surface.

I learned two things that day. First, submariners have no idea what "Stow for sea" means. Second, I could get sea sick.

Almost 20 years to the day later NAVSUBASE NL, CT gets to go though all that fun again.

'Bob' That must of been back when they svcked at naming things...
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:02 am

I've been through too damn many of them I forget their names. But I remember the storms. The worst part is always the power outages. The last two I had come through I was without power for 10 days in August and them 14 days in October. October is still pretty damn hot down here, but the August one was brutal. I've got a generator, but it's not big enough to run the A/C. No power means no A/C, no hot water, no cooking unless you got a grill, everything in the fridge goes bad and lots of folks have medical needs that require power, like my son's asthma nebulizer. If you can leave, leave. Period. I always send my family away now when one's gonna hit. I gotta stay because of where I work, but I'm used to eating cold food out of a can. :hubbahubba:

-gunny out.

I had the pleasure of having not one, not two, but three hurricanes pass within 20 miles of my house in the summer of 2004, over a six-week period.

Charley - on Friday, August 13. Came ashore around Punta Gorda as a Cat 4. By the time it made it up to my neck of the woods it was a weak Cat 2, with sustained winds near 100 MPH. Very small and fast moving - the wind really started to whoop around 5:30 or 6:00 in the evening, and by 9:00 PM or so it was all over. I had no power for a week, and the service was very unstable, with frequent outages, for weeks after.

Frances - Labor Day weekend, and I mean the whole friggin' weekend. That damn storm covered the entire state, and just crept through. It was a barely a hurricane when it reached me, but it dumped tons of rain. No power after that one for about 3 or 4 days, but after Charley most of the tree limbs that would have knocked down the lines had already been blown down.

Jeanne - a couple of weeks after Frances, Jeane made landfall around Melbourne. Sort of midway between Charley and Frances in intensity and duration. For all of these storms I rode them out with my grandmother at her house, concrete block construction. By then I was thoroughly sick and tired of loading up the camping gear and the pets and everything else and running for my life from the latest storm.

I have friends who lived in Kendall when Andrew came through in 1992 - they lost everything, their house was blown down to the foundation.

That October storm you were talking about must have been Wilma - that was a horrifying thing to watch. It holds the record for the lowest central pressure measured in a hurricane in the Atlantic Basin. For a while there it had sustained winds of 200-250 MPH, with gusts over 300. Thank God it weakened a bunch before it made landfall, but it was still a very powerful storm.

To everyone in the path of Irene, my best wishes to you.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:26 pm

Having lived in Miami 21 years, I gotta say there's nothing to worry about. Put shutters on all your windows, take pictures of anything you'd hate to lose (insurance purposes), and get the heck out of there. Or stay in the bathroom during the worst parts of the storm, your decision.

Just be prepared to have no power (longest I've seen was 3 weeks).
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:03 pm

Looks like there's a dissenter who thinks Irene is not going to treat NJ that bad.

The demise of Irene has already begun. There is no visible eye. The storm intensity is down to 99 mph. This would be a low-end category 2 or a strong category 1 storm, while 36 hours ago some predicted a catastrophic category 4 storm. Air Force Reserve aircraft have found that Irene's eyewall has collapsed, and the central pressure has risen -- rising pressure means a weakening storm.

o The reduction in storm intensity likely confirms that this storm is not going to be as monstrous as it has been publicly forecast to be.

o Yes, it will be windy. However, north of Delaware most hurricane force winds will very likely be gusts, not sustained winds.

Well, better safe than sorry. And it always good to get a little exercise in.
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Saul C
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:26 am

I'll stick to California and it's earthquakes. You don't see them coming. Either your prepared or your not. And with the San Andreas less than a mile from my house... Yeah, I had better be prepared.
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