» Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:55 pm
When I got Morrowind for the PC [former Original XBox GotY player] just a week or two ago, I began downloading mods to make the game look better. Things like Better Borides, Heads, and Clothes to DarkNut's textures for Armor, Weapons, Creatures and Dwenmer Ruins... all along with the Visual pack, Mesh improvements, Skies, Weather, Books, Sign Posts, etc. Then I went in and added the atmospheric sound effects, lighting, and the mod that allows you to hear the weather [wind & rain] when you are in doors. I find all of these presentation upgrades give this game a much needed face lift. After that I also added a few other mods that also alter the presentation a bit more. There is a mod that stops merchants from wearing the clothes/armor you sell them for example. Finally, I added the "Less Generic NPC" mods, Animated Morrowind, Hold This, and Children of Morrowind to the game.
I wouldn't call any of those things game play changes. The only game play changes I made were to the economy... specifically merchants. They now barter far more realistically. Speechcraft and Mercantile actually are "important" now.