Obision cares about the Enclave enough. I imagine they would allow us to work with the Enclave in the future.
I disagree. The Enclave was humiliated in Fallout 2 by giving them an elaborate base and a good plan, but A FRICKING UNGUARDED NUCLEAR REACTOR TO BLOW UP.
In Fallout 3 the Enclave was humiliated by giving them an eloborate base and a good plan, but GIVING THE BROTHERHOOD A MASSIVE FRICKING INVINCIBLE ROBOT.
In New Vegas the Enclave was - one again - humiliated. This time the Enclave's featuring involved only six ex-members ONLY ONE OF WHICH liked it. Kreger was just doing his job, Whitman didn't care, Henry defected, Arcade is a whining humanist, Cannibal is a dissident. Only Moreno represents the Enclave in its purest form. Damn, would I love to switch Arcade for Moreno.
The Enclave is dead and stays dead because the developers of any Fallout game just hate them. I don't know why, IMO they are the most ingenious and interesting faction to appear in the series.
I would say that the Enclave was created to be too strong to be alive. That's why they always needed absolutely ridiculous excuses to take them down, from above mentioned unguarded reactor to having Enclave TARGET ITS OWN FRICKING BASE WITH ITS ORBITAL MISSILES IT DIDN'T USE EARLIER TO WIPE EVERYONE ELSE OUT.
I didn't ask if you wanted another Fallout game. I asked if you want Obsidian to make another one. I believe it's almost guarrented that Bethesda is working on Fallout 4, but would you or do you want Obisidian to make another one as well? Before or After, not just Fallout 4 from Bethesda.
What does it matter? I'm cool with a Fallout game no matter who develops it. As long as it's good and loyal to lore, I'm going to play it.