Trying to play Dead Money is a trial and error game. I did not find that any fun at all. I don't know how anyone playing a Dead is Dead character and then playing DM for the first time can do it. For some reason, (I guess I am to be blamed here) is I couldn't get my bearings being in the villia for the first time. I got lost, got dizzy and had to take a break. I almost got motion sickness. Then add in the stupid beeping from the collar it made it worse. I kept dieing because I just didn't know what to do, and of course after dieing 5 or 10 times I finally figured it out, and when I couldn't I cheated and went on the wiki. The thing for me, is we should be able to figure it out before we even die.
In some of the places this is not even possible. You HAD to die a few times before figuring it out. Maybe I am slow and couldn't figure it out the first time, and I do like a challenge but trying not to die or play a DiD character is simply not possible, I can't see anyone doing it. I just don't like having to die alot to finally figure out how to do something.
We shouldn't have to finish a game through Trial and Error. Not enough clues or explanations are given on how to complete the game the first time around. I guess in a few months I will redo DM with a new character, and it might become more fun since I know the "rules" or how to play DM now, but doing it the first time, is NO FUN AT ALL. I got so sick and tired of it, that I put the difficulty level to Very Easy so I can be done with the game, and I still found it really hard to complete. I still kept on being killed, by the Ghosts. I hate to see how that would be on Normal difficulty as I usually play.
So I am wondering if that is how you guys think, who do not like DM. Do you find DM not fun at all because it's mostly a trial and error games?
Funny thing is, no that I have no collar and there is no Red Clouds, I am actually enjoying the Villia now and sad to know that I could have had so much more fun if it wasn't a trial and error game.