Why I did not like Dead Money

Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:58 am

I have finally finished the Main Quest for Dead Money, and now just looking to find the rest of Dean's cases. (I hope there was none in the Vault since I didn't see any there and now can't get back in.)

Trying to play Dead Money is a trial and error game. I did not find that any fun at all. I don't know how anyone playing a Dead is Dead character and then playing DM for the first time can do it. For some reason, (I guess I am to be blamed here) is I couldn't get my bearings being in the villia for the first time. I got lost, got dizzy and had to take a break. I almost got motion sickness. Then add in the stupid beeping from the collar it made it worse. I kept dieing because I just didn't know what to do, and of course after dieing 5 or 10 times I finally figured it out, and when I couldn't I cheated and went on the wiki. The thing for me, is we should be able to figure it out before we even die.

In some of the places this is not even possible. You HAD to die a few times before figuring it out. Maybe I am slow and couldn't figure it out the first time, and I do like a challenge but trying not to die or play a DiD character is simply not possible, I can't see anyone doing it. I just don't like having to die alot to finally figure out how to do something.

We shouldn't have to finish a game through Trial and Error. Not enough clues or explanations are given on how to complete the game the first time around. I guess in a few months I will redo DM with a new character, and it might become more fun since I know the "rules" or how to play DM now, but doing it the first time, is NO FUN AT ALL. I got so sick and tired of it, that I put the difficulty level to Very Easy so I can be done with the game, and I still found it really hard to complete. I still kept on being killed, by the Ghosts. I hate to see how that would be on Normal difficulty as I usually play.

So I am wondering if that is how you guys think, who do not like DM. Do you find DM not fun at all because it's mostly a trial and error games?

Funny thing is, no that I have no collar and there is no Red Clouds, I am actually enjoying the Villia now and sad to know that I could have had so much more fun if it wasn't a trial and error game.

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Anne marie
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:26 am

My advice: Play it again. You'll understand it more, get used to it, you'll know how to survive. Dead Money is supposed to be a survival battle. Make the wrong move, then that's the end of the Courier's journey! :dead:

I love Dead Money :wub: ! I've played it enough to know where everything is and how to navigate with ease! Play it again!
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:25 am

Dead Money is alot of fun, so far my second favorite. OLD WORLD BLUES ROCKS MY SOCKS!
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:19 pm

the only thing i did not like about Dead Money was the lack of a radio to listen to but since OWB came out with its radio station that doesnt go away DM is now my second favorite after OWB
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:51 am

I am sure I will like it the second or thrid time around, but for me, I want to experinace the AWSOMENESS the first time around, something I have not had with DM. Playing Honest Hearts, I loved it. I thought it was great. Playing it the second time, it wasn't as much fun though but still enjoyed it.

I will be playing Old World Blues soon, so hoping that will be a better experinace for the first time.

I understand that DM is suppose to be Battle of Survival, but when I kept dieing and reloading all the time, the battle of survial seemed like a moot point because I just kept reloading. I haven't reloaded like this in a very long time. I must have died over 100 times in DM while playing NV I have died maybe 100 times with 4 charcters with 100 of playing. Dieing about 100 times in about 4 hours or playing is not fun.

I am sure I will enjoy DM the second time around, but for a first time experiance, not fun at all. :sadvaultboy:
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:57 pm

Dead Money is sure to piss a few players off the first time they play it, a combination of trail and error gameplay, the bland blood red scenery, and enemies designed to be bullet sponges makes it so. The DLC was frustrating to anyone doing it the first time, the reward is nice and the backstory was good, the character interaction was nice as well, you had 2 insane characters and a mute making communication and not pissing them off difficult.

It's a good, if repetitive, DLC. My only wish is that next time they do something like it they don't cram in as much annoying game mechanics.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:31 pm

I did not like DM at first, and I still don't. But what I do not like? The gameplay. The gameplay is challenging but sometimes can get a bit boring. BUT there is something I like about DM. The story. The story kicks butt IMHO
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:31 am

Dead Money seemed like a big experiment for Fallout, and I liked the difference between main gameplay and DM gameplay. I didn't mind trial and error, it was fun for me, also had amazing writing,story,actors.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:35 am

Oh I loved the story of Dead Money, that was done very well. I even loved the ending wich you shouldn't be choosing. I saved my game, and because I was nosey, I thought no they will not do it, and I was shocked, they DID IT. An actuall ending where you can't play no more or continue, That was awsome.

I do agree the story was great, but the game play ruined it for me sadly on the first play through. What might have made Dead Money ok, was being able to come back to it. Have the Ghosts still wonder through it. But going through all that and nthat is it, not even being able to go back, it's bascially I lernt nothing there. I am glad I did buy the DLC, but just wished I enjoyed it more on the First play through.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:40 am

I don't understand how people got lost the game gives you a map, yes you can get turned around but only for a minute the villa was rather easy to navigate, as for the speakers there supposed to slow you down make you think about where yout going and how I do agree theres one or two tricky spots but most of the time if you got killed by the collar its because you rushed.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:19 pm

yeah, i hated it my first time through. "what a waste of money" then i went back and played it a few months later, made sure i was ridiculously prepared for it and knew what to expect, then took my time with it and had a really great time. but my first impression was pretty bad.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:20 am

I don't understand how people got lost the game gives you a map, yes you can get turned around but only for a minute the villa was rather easy to navigate, as for the speakers there supposed to slow you down make you think about where yout going and how I do agree theres one or two tricky spots but most of the time if you got killed by the collar its because you rushed.

I try not to use the map. I only use it if I really need to, so my hand doesn't get hand held as much. But the way the layout is, it's like a maze. I had a hard time "reading" the map when looking at it. It took me a long time to adjust to it and finally get use to it. Again, that could be me, my fault, but still, just saying.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:41 am

Dead Money was annoying...and the creepy atmosphere dissipates when you get to the part where Christine asks you to do that one thing for her. It just loses its scariness there and that along with story are the only two redeeming factors. Really, the only reason I play Dead money is to complete my energy weapon collection.
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