I've tried a few graphical additions to my UFCOM install and already made some compilations but it seemed that I do something wrong everytime.
I'm sorry for beeing a complete Nub :sadvaultboy: but my configuration has always some issues

Well i just backuped my clean UFCOM install (complete Oblivion folder, complete Oblivion-Mods folder and complete Oblivion folder from "MyDocuments" have a backup copy). Now I'm trying to install some graphical additions and mods which make it more beautiful and I could need some adivce how to install it correct.
Here is the way I installed it last time:
1.) All Natural 1.31
2.) Qarl PT 3
3.) Qarl PT3 Patch 1.3
4.) Bromets SI Textures
5.) Improved Sky Textures
6,) Let the people drink -only fountain
7.) Unique Landscapes Compilation (Ancient Redwoods, Ancient Yews, Aspen Wood, Blackwood Forest, Bravil Barrowfields, Brena River Ravine, Chorrol Hinterlands, Cloudtop Mountain, Dark Forest, Fallenleaf Everglade, Imperial Isle, Lush Woodland, Panther River, Skingrad Outskirts, Snowdale, Stendarr Valley, Silverfish River)
8.) OOO Snowdale Patch
10.) RAEVWD SI Edition
11.) OBGE Core V3 (OBSE v20 already in Backup and DirectX Update installed)
12.) OBGE Standalone Effects V3
13.) Liquid Water
But the problem with this install is that GodRays.fx was activated but my sun looked like this:

Second is that I installed also the Unique Landscapes which need a special terrain LOD file in my install before the one above listed. But this was wrong every time. I did installed it correct but the LODs didn't show up so the Unique Landscapes just popping up if the player gets close to them which doesn't look very nice (like Lost Coast).
But even WITHOUT those Unique Landscapes I see floating trees every time I run Tes4LODGen. So it seems that this trees and objects are generated by Tes4LODGen and there are some different type of ground LODs where one match with the objects (the close one) and one don't (the one from far away). Maybe this is the reason why I also can't see the LODs from the special Unique Landscapes package but I'm not geek enough to know how I can resolve this or what is going wrong.

Due to performace cost I didn't install RAEVWD & RAEVWD SI Edition. But since I got a fresh backup of my UFCOM running I decide to use some parts of it as long as it isn't too much, so I added it to my install list.
My stats:
Windows 7 64 bit
Radeon HD 6870 1 GB (Crossfire X disabled)
AMD Phenom X6 @ 3,20 GHz
I hope someone can help me with a advice. I'm afraid that my install has some errors since the LOD object also get incorrect if i run Tes4LODGen on my Vanilla Data folder. I'm using the Oblivion "Complete Edition" from Steam which has all official DLCs already installed. (included DLCHorseArmor.esp, DLCMehrunesRazor.esp, Knights.esp, DLCShiveringIsles.esp, DLCVileLair.esp, DLCFrostcrag.esp, DLCBattlehornCastle.esp, DLCSpellTomes.esp, DLCThievesDen.esp, DLCOrrery.esp)
I would be very thankful about every help to get my data folder into perfect condition.