Abyss Demon - Beta 2 is a mod which comes with three different variants of a demonic race. Two variants are inspired by Illidan and Malfurion from World of Warcraft/Warcraft 3. The third one, a hybrid between the winged variant and human, is a product of my imagination.
In the second beta all races are classified under the term "Daemona" which comes from the word "demon". The common people call them Abyss Demon because they believe that the Daemona come from the abysses of Oblivion. The Daemona’s true origin is still a mystery.
Variant 1: Daemona Aero
The Daemona Aero have the ability of flight and are considered to be the hotheads among the Daemona.
Variant 2: Daemona Druida
The Daemona Druida live in close touch with nature and are considered to be the druids among the Daemona.
Variant 3: Daemona Hybrida
The Daemona Hybrida are a hybrid between Daemona Aero and humans and are considered to be the diplomats among the Daemona.
An overview of what to expect in the new beta:
- 3 different variants of the race (we will come back to that later)
- The race's ability to fly and to fight while flying
- 2 horn variants and one antlers which can be combined with the extras "tail", "wings" and "claws" or deactivated completely via a menu
- 67 hair styles and 115 eyes to choose from
- 3 new classes: Berserk, Druid and Diplomat
- The possibility to change flying sound (wing flap); 4 sounds can be accessed via a menu
- A flying speed which depends on the player’s flying
- A flying speed boost spell which increases the flying speed by a constant value for a limited time
- A flying system which doesn’t replace animations anymore and so should be compatible with animation replacers (and which is more more reliable than the previous one )
- New flying animations which I specially designed for the Air Fight System
- http://www.obse.silverlock.org (OBSE 0020 Beta 5 or higher)
- http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37075 (Version 3 or higher)
- http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36903 (Version 3.7 oder h?her)
- Custom Race Fix or Unofficial Oblivion Patch (use only one!)
Abyss Demon - Beta 2 is splitted into three archives:
Part 1 of 3: Abyss Demon Beta 2 - English version <- Esp
Part 2 of 3: Abyss Demon - Beta 2 - Core File <- Meshes, Textures
Part 3 of 3: Abyss Demon - Beta 2 - Custom Wing Shape <- the skeletons; are required for the wings and animations
The first two parts must be downloaded separately. You can decide if you download part three or if you use one of the following alternatives: Universal Skeleton Nif, Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons. Custom Wing Shape includes edited versions of the alternatives which make a the wings look tighter (see screenshot).
If you want to play Abyss Demon in Nehrim as well, download Abyss Demon - Nehrim version v2 additionally as optional file and activate AbyssDemon - Nehrim.esp instead of AbyssDemon.esp. You can find more information about the installation of the Nehrim version in the included readme of that version.
Recommended mods:
(not absolutely necessary but it makes the body textures looking better)
Roberts Male Body Replacer V4 or V5
HGEC (or other EyeCandy mods like Exnem or TGND)
Alternative download mirrors:
The nine installation steps (short version)
1. Download all components
Download all components which are listed under “Requirements:”
2. Install OBSE
3. Install VipCxjs Plugin Collection
Make sure that you have the following folder structure: Oblivion Data obse plugins. After a successful installation you will find the vipcxj_plugin_collection.dll in the plugins folder. This file is needed for many mods created by the author VipCxj like the Air Fight System.
4. Install VipCxjs Air Fight System
You need to copy VipCxj_AirSystem.ini to Data folder as well. If you want to get rid of the message which probably appears after the next loading, set in the VipCxj_AirSystem.ini the value 1 behind "set VipCxjFlySystemData.bWarning to" to 0.
5. Install Custom Race Fix or use Unofficial Oblivion Patch instead (do not use both!)
6. Install Abyss Demon Beta 2 - English version
7. Install Abyss Demon - Beta 2 - Core File
8. Install the skeleton nifs (Abyss Demon - Beta 2 - Custom Wing Shape)
If other skeleton nifs are already in _male folder, overwrite them and make backups of the old skeleton nifs before that if necessary. These are the files which will be replaced: skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif.
9. Remove the animations from the previous beta version (if you installed them before)
You can find the old animations under Data\meshes\characters\_male and have the following names: bowjumploop.kf, handtohandjumploop.kf, jumploop.kf, onehandjumploop.kf, staffjumploop.kf und twohandjumploop.kf. After deleting these files, you need to update your ArchiveInvalidation, otherwise your game will crash after the next loading of the game. You can do that with Oblivion Mod Manager. Please read this guide: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/archiveinvalidation.html
I recommend you to read the included readme. It provides further information about installation and some other information which I didn't quote in the description because the description would be as long as a book

The flying system
You start flying when you hit the SHIFT + E shortcut. Hit this shortcut again to stop flying. You can change the second key of this shortcut by changing the value behind "set VipCxjFlySystemData.iSwitchKey to" in the VipCxj_AirSystem.ini. The value 18 stands for the letter E. You can find at the bottom of the ini a list with the values for other keys. So, if you want to change E to M, replace the 18 by a 50 and save the .ini. You navigate in flight with W, A, S, D keys just as you do it while walking/running. With caps lock key (the one you normally use for running) you can switch between two flying speed levels.
If you want to fly faster, you can use the "Flying Speed Booster" spell. After the spell is used the speed of your character and consequently the flying speed will be increased by constant value (+300 points) for limited amount of time (ca. 60 seconds). Use this spell at your owm risk. If the world cells, which were flown through by your character, are loaded to fast, your memory could overflow which causes a crash to desktop (CTD). It all depends on your hardware constellation. If your memory is less than 1 GB, I recommend you not to use the spell. This indication is a rough estimate because I tested the Booster on my system only. Your best bet would be to make a backup of your save before you test the spell.
In the previous beta you could increase the flying speed without any limit what caused the well known CTD when memory overflows in many places. Because of this I limited the flying speed in the new beta to reduce the number of possible crashes.
The configuration menu
You can access this menu by using the "Abyss Demon Config. Menu" spell. The menu is divided into two submenus, namely "Manage Extras" and "Manage Flying Sound". In the first one you can decide whether your character should wear for example wings only. In the second you can decide which flying sound (wing flap) you want to hear or you can disable it. Note: The chosen sound will be played until you open the menu again and choose "Stop Flying Sound" option.
Future plans
The final version will contain, besides the race, new locations like a sanctuary for the members of the race and a dungeon to explore. Everything will be accompanied by a quest which deals with the origin of the Daemona/Abyss Demons. You can find the project thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1062119-wip-abyss-demons-illidans-legacy/.