Could a modder help me understand why my simple mod is not w

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:39 am

I went into the GECK and changed the Hazmat Helmet from Old World Blues to have Waterbreathing and Rad Resistance fo 40. I simply went in, found the object enchantment and took away the nightvision and added the other two.

However - I went and tested it in-game and I still get the little oxygen meter and then drown??

Do I need to create its own separate ID and everything?

I changed the name to Wasteland Survival Helmet on both the object enchantment (not the ID, just the name) and in the Armor section where the helmet itself is found. Would this have any impact?

I'm obviously pretty basic at modding .... any help is appreciated.

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:40 pm

The rebreather effect is added and removed via a script, for some reason. So you're going to have to create a new script that uses the old information, but points to your item instead of the rebreather in the code. Then you save the script, and attach it to the weapon under the weapons "script" pulldown box.

I'll include a script that you can just plug in your script name, and item name into the brackets(removing the brackets before saving).

scn [MyRebreatherScript]int iEquippedbegin OnEquip player	player.AddSpell VMS15WaterBreathingActual	set iEquipped to 1endbegin GameMode	if iEquipped == 1 && Player.GetEquipped [MyRebreather]== 0		player.RemoveSpell VMS15WaterBreathingActual		set iEquipped to 0	endifend

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Lory Da Costa
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