non player home homes?

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:05 pm

Ello, so I was wondering, I dont want to live in any of the actualy obtainable player homes with this char, I want to live in some other place like an abandoned house, or shack, or cave, or somewhere other than an actual player home. My concern is that if I drop stuff there or put stuff in a container is it going to dissapear and be gone forever after a few days?

Because I have heard of players just living whereever they want to and im wondering how they do that w/o the risk of losing everything? Is it possible if I wanted to in a Vault? or some other sort of abandoned home
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Big Homie
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:58 pm

I've heard of people stashing things in dumpster. There are several threads about "player homes" and I'm sure your questions would be answered there more easily.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:14 pm

Test it out get some crappy items go to your home to be, drop the stuff some on the floor some in containers, come back and see if it is there.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:26 am
take your pick ^^
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:39 am

Powder ganger camp south works for a temp house. Desolate, no enemies, safe storage, a bed, and a campfire.
I have heard many of the shacks work well too.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:40 pm

Thanks everyone! Thanks for the advice. and great idea WonderWombat, if I am unecertain of a place or find one not on the wiki thats a simple way of testing it w/o risking losing my stuff! =)

Andon the wiki I thot it was only going to list the actual ownable player homes, but below that it has a table of all the different non-player homes with secure storage! Its quite a long list too. Im thinking about either living in the Smith Mesa Prospector Camp, or The Coyote Mine House. Im leaning more twords the Mine House tho...

The Powder Ganger hideouts are also a pretty good idea, and after acouple days they will try to take it back from you and you just kill them, makes for good roleplay!

Anybody else live in places that arent actual player homes?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:58 pm

El Dorado gas station, some make-shift beds in the garage and a campfire. Used it a lot during one of my playthroughs. Vault 21 is also nice :cool:
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Roy Harris
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:14 am

Try the Prospecter's Den. After you clear out the Jackels in there you can trade with the merchant or just kill the prospectors when they respawn.
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Allison C
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:26 am

El Dorado gas station, some make-shift beds in the garage and a campfire. Used it a lot during one of my playthroughs. Vault 21 is also nice :cool:

I was actually thinking about if any vaults were "live-able" I know vault 21 is since you can buy a room there, but how about other vaults? or do the creatures respawn in them?

p.s. Dig your profile pic, I have a "winning" shirt with the Warlock himself on it! haha what a badass.

Try the Prospecter's Den. After you clear out the Jackels in there you can trade with the merchant or just kill the prospectors when they respawn.

Is that the same as the Mesa Prospector Camp? or where is it?
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:36 pm

I was actually thinking about if any vaults were "live-able" I know vault 21 is since you can buy a room there, but how about other vaults? or do the creatures respawn in them?

p.s. Dig your profile pic, I have a "winning" shirt with the Warlock himself on it! haha what a badass.

Hmm good question, wouldn't know for sure. Think the best alternative Vault to live in would have to be:
Vault 11, because even if animals respawn there it would only be simple mantis and giant rats which u could kill with a rock. Also I don't think animals respawn in interiors but I might be wrong cuz I never generally go back to places once I'm done with them. This vault is where the elections are held and is pretty big, u could just finish the quest there and I think there are plenty of beds/containers there.

Love Carlos Estévez :cool: Many must hate him though, but I just love his life-style and wish for just 1 night I could party like Mr. Badass. Would probably end up dead tho :P
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