I want this one... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-dTzXLBqCq8/TMpkAKoxVFI/AAAAAAAAAIY/8DI3bKPuXBI/s1600/FalloutNewVegas_box.jpg
I wish there were a mod for that. For third person and first person could lift the cover up. Extremely high resolution too, I'm talking about 4096x4096 and of course extremely lore friendly. I'd download it, overwrite and use the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidater utility for it in an instant.
What am I talking about? I'm currently using some 007, Doctor Who and TRON based mods in the game. Now if there were only more BLADE RUNNER, Dust to Dust and TOTAL RECALL 2070 mods in the game I'd be most pleased. Of course it's due to THAT GUN.