Happy with the amount of ghoul quests in FNV?

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:40 pm

FNV playthrough a second time to see what I've missed before Deus Ex Human Revolution. I recall that 'Come Fly With Me' Quest is the main dish, seemingly inspired by FO3, and Raul's Companion Quest. There's also one ghoul in Searchlight. But no Ghoul-opolis. A friendly, sentient ghoul population was intended as a living part of the main story in FO1. Now in Nevada they don't have a major role, afaik. Never had Raul as a follower.

Are you content with the ghoul representation and activity in FNV? Or do you wish they had even more importance / presence overall, even extending into the main story? Friendly ghouls, not ferals.
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City Swagga
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:26 am

Dunno, it's been done in FO3 so why create another ghoul only community in FNV? If u follow the lore then there would naturally be less ghouls in Mojave and its surrounding areas as there would be less radiation.

there's a ghoulified community at the REPCONN Test Site, u shoot em into space and then they're gone though

I didn't miss them, and a reason why in FO3 they created an underworld community was that the Brotherhood basically ruled there and shot on sight. This is not the case in the Mojave, here the major factions have other priorities and the BOS chapter is small. I liked Raul and his quest though, boss ;)
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