Random enemy immunity to explosives

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:44 am

Is there or was there ever an investigation into this issue ? The explosives build has the potential to be quite fun except this bug ruins it for me. Wondering if I should just give up on an explosives build if there is no intention to fix the problem. Is there a list somewhere that I can look at of known issues that are being worked on ?
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:15 am

Is there or was there ever an investigation into this issue ? The explosives build has the potential to be quite fun except this bug ruins it for me. Wondering if I should just give up on an explosives build if there is no intention to fix the problem. Is there a list somewhere that I can look at of known issues that are being worked on ?

luckily, as a Pure Explosives/Heavy Weapons character, my dude ripples through the creatures that are somehow immune to the explosives. Yes I saw this bug through my testing and report on the skill Explosive. not sure why, since other creatures die around the similar one (ex: Deathclaws, Scorpions), yet a few are immune to it, as if the game registers that the explosion isnt affecting them or impacted them.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:06 am

luckily, as a Pure Explosives/Heavy Weapons character, my dude ripples through the creatures that are somehow immune to the explosives. Yes I saw this bug through my testing and report on the skill Explosive. not sure why, since other creatures die around the similar one (ex: Deathclaws, Scorpions), yet a few are immune to it, as if the game registers that the explosion isnt affecting them or impacted them.

Ran into this at the Tribal Camp on my EW/Explosives character, fired a Fat Man into the melee and one Cazador kept on coming despite being at zero HP. Gatling Laser took care of that problem, but was annoying nonetheless.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:46 pm

I think I had that problem too. I fired about six 40mm nades at a Molerat, and it did nothing. :sadvaultboy:

btw: Skill is at 72.
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Kaley X
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:03 pm

I know the 40mm for the grenade launcher is buggy. Didn't have any problems with the grenade machine gun, missile launcher, or fatman.

It just seems like sometimes the 40mm just doesn't cause damage.
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