Well I finished Dead Money, and I have Fast Travled to Goodsprings so I can drop my loot there. It's my home base. So I was going to start Old World Blues, so walking there, so I thought I would listen to the radio. Well I get nothing now. If I put on Radio New Vegas, I hear no music, but I do here Mr New Vegas talk from time to time, after not hearing anything for about 5 or so minutes, wich I am assuming would be the music is suppose to be playing.
I get nothing on Mojave Music Radio, but I still her Vera talking on Sierra Mardre Broadcast and 732.00Hz ULF I am assuming it's Elijah.
So is this a bug, or will I get the radio music back?
Edit Forgot to say I am on the 360 and had no problems listening to music before I entered Dead Money. I had OWB already installed before going into DM but never played it but on my way there now. I am just before Primm.