» Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:48 am
Usage is also a big factor in what makes a particular gun the 'best'.
For a sniper, the Sniper Rifle++ is the best if he's about stealthy long-range kills, however if he's a big-game hunter the AMR is probably a better choice despite the noise, since it will actually kill the targets.
Similarly, a close-range assassin-type will get a lot of mileage out of a silenced 12.7mm or 10mm Pistol, but not have much use for a Ranger Sequoia or Hunting Revolver despite the fact they hit like trucks.
Line Infantry types would want a Service Rifle over the LMG a Heavy Weapons Trooper considers his prize possession.
And so on.
There really is no one 'best' weapon, as no one weapon can do everything; this is a good thing, as it encourages different characters to use different weapons.