Trying to "beat" the endgame

Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:56 pm

Hey all,

currently level 22 or 23, and have a bit of all of the endgame quests going. The chip was delivered, I haven't done anything to Mr. House yet, I haven't done what Caesar wants me to do, and I haven't gone too far into the independent quests or the NCR quests.

I played Fallout 3 and was beyond disappointed when the game ended and I hadn't seen most of the world yet. I did not rush to do the endgame quests, and did the sidequests as I found them. I realize I can load an old save after completion, but it turned me off and it felt lame to "undo" the story to go explore.

I am finding myself in the same position in New Vegas. Are we *supposed* to put the main quests on hiatus and just explore blindly if we want to do more before the story is over? I got the explorer perk and have been going to some of the places, but it seems wrong that they aren't tied into the game as far as I can tell when this open world game has a real end.

Is there a good solution to this? I love the IP but really don't appreciate some of the design choices.

I almost want to just finish a faction and neglect the rest of the world out of spite for Bethesda doing this to us again.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:35 am

I think it was intended. Either progress the story, or explore and affect it in minute ways. :shrug:
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:00 pm

Guys, you know the drill :geek:
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:56 pm

Yes, games tend to end. Like books and movies, the story has to stop somewhere.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:47 am

I think the best thing for u to do now is start a new game and try playing it differently. Different skills, perks, traits and explore sooner, by the time u reach Novac u should be able to roam a bit as well. At lvl 20 u can also take the explorer perk so u know where all the locations are and check them out. During my first game of FNV I only used guns, during subsequent playthroughs I used melee, energy weapons, unarmed and explosives and I must say it changed the game quite a bit. U can also download DLC's to extend the game, they're all good but if u have to pick one I'd say go for Old World Blues or wait for Lonesome Road to come out. U will find there's still many things left in FNV! If u finished the game at lv.23 u probably missed a lot of good stuff FNV has to offer tbh.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:59 pm

yeah, it was intended to be that way, they said that it was impossible to do what broken steel essentially did. and when some one pointed out that broken steel fixed those "impossible" problems they said something along the lines that people who wanted to play after were stupid and should just start a new game over. they obviously did not understand the concept of role playing.

any ways, the issue simply came from poor story development.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:12 am

What? There's no "issue" here. Fallout: New Vegas has a meaningful ending that describes what happens to the Mojave. If they were to make all those changes come true, it would cost them a ton in time and money for voice acting, among other things. If you don't want the game to end, simple, just don't end the game. It even gives you a warning AND a chance to go back to your last save.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:19 pm

What? There's no "issue" here. Fallout: New Vegas has a meaningful ending that describes what happens to the Mojave. If they were to make all those changes come true, it would cost them a ton in time and money for voice acting, among other things. If you don't want the game to end, simple, just don't end the game. It even gives you a warning AND a chance to go back to your last save.

And the lastest patch creates a save point when that message appears
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:11 pm

What? There's no "issue" here. Fallout: New Vegas has a meaningful ending that describes what happens to the Mojave. If they were to make all those changes come true, it would cost them a ton in time and money for voice acting, among other things. If you don't want the game to end, simple, just don't end the game. It even gives you a warning AND a chance to go back to your last save.

not really, they don't have to add any voice acting at all. all they would have to do is replace faction location npcs and leave it at that: what I mean is, if one faction won like the legion lets say; then you just replace ncr soldiers in the stripe with legion soldiers (and gambling would no longer be allowed). if NCR, replace legion soldiers at the fort with NCR troops.

what obsidian spokes person or whom ever said when pointing out that none issue was about The Pitt, where when you completed one faction side they did not change their behaviors, and claimed that this was because it would have been way to expensive to do so. thats not why The Pitt was the way it was though, They did not bother to do that in The Pitt because there was no need. The Pitt had very little to offer to that would cause players to remain after beating it so they had no reason to add extra behaviors to the slaves.

the same does not apply to NV, the people who don't care after about continued game play after the MQ is completed are not going to care one bit about the continuity of placement of faction npcs after the battle, they are just completionists who will start the game over and try the next faction. that is fine, however there are people who do care about being able to continue their game for what ever reason (mine is role play). Obsidian rushed the development of NV and took many short cuts, they left the ending they way it was because they were lazy, not because it can't be done.

like I said, broken steel proves every thing they say as false,
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:28 pm

Like I said, New Vegas has an ending with a meaning. If the end of NV didn't have a meaning, I wouldn't see why they would not allow you continue. But, alas, the ending describes what the Courier does, what happens to various NPC's, factions would have to be completely wiped off the map, etc. The first part alone would negate the ending, they would have been better off just not describing what happens to everyone, if they allowed you to continue. Not to mention you can load an earlier save, and since you think that there would be no need for new voice acting, then you can just pretend that's the endgame, since apparently there's no difference besides replacing the troops. NCR troopers at the Fort would still be saying "We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that." after the endgame? No thanks.
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