Brain Dead Fred/Kill 'em all challenge

Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:04 am

OK folks, here it is. The much ballyhooed Kill 'em all challenge. We all remember before the game came out the much hyped line that all the npcs but one could be killed, right? Well, it seems that in a Jason Bergman interview I read recently that during development, one of the dev did a Kill 'em All run. I don't remember the exact number, but it was something like over 2300 npcs he killed (not including respawns). So why don't we put this to the test:

Your name is Brain Dead Fred. You've just woken from Doc Mitchell's ministerings and something is not quite right. That bullet to the head has turned you into a homicidal psychopath. The uncontrollable urge to kill every person you see overwhelms you. You're compelled to kill and kill until there's no one left in the Mojave Wasteland. Shoot 'em. Stab 'em. Turn 'em to ash. Blow 'em to pieces. Whatever it takes to feed your uncontrollable rage. Starting right in Goodsprings, you weave a path of deadly terror until no one is left standing.

We'll do this in two stages:

Challenge #1
Since it takes 3 days for cells to reset, you've got three complete days to see just how many npcs you can kill. The clock starts at 8AM on , Saturday, October 19, 2281. You've got until 8AM on Tuesday, October 22, 2281 to wreak mayhem. At exactly 8AM on the 22nd, stop your game and check your Pip-boy stats for the listing of "People killed". Whoever kills the most people in this three day period will be awarded the Blazon of Chaos :chaos:

Challenge #2.
Keep going. Keep up the killing rampage until you kill every single inhabitant of the Mojave. You must kill all non-respawning npcs and kill all re-spawing npcs once. Work through an area to make certain you've killed all the npcs and if you return, you can ignore ones that respawn. I need to find that interview again to get the exact number of kills the dev had, but when you reach that number, check your Pip-boy and record the exact date and time. The person who kills every npc in the game in the fastest time shall be named the Reaper of the Mojave :flame:

1. Sorry folks, but this is going to have to be NO MODS. None at all. That makes the playing field even for the console users.
2. You must start a new character, preferably named Brain Dead Fred, set on normal difficulty.
3. Absolutely no use of the console. Yes, I'm talking to us, PC users. I gotta abide by the same rules.
4. Vanilla game, no DLCs, including pre-order packs. You can have them enabled, but you must play this challenge in the main game area, not in any of the DLCs.
5. Use whatever gear you want, go wherever you want, play the game how you want, but no cheats.
6. Only npcs that are present in the game world without having to activate them by quests are required to be killed.
7. You should not engage in dialog with any npc, except vendors, but in the end all vendors must be killed also.
8. DO NOT farm re-spawing npcs. Farming re-spawing npcs will automatically disqualify you from competition and earn all the honest player's undying scorn.
9. We're using the honor system here, folks. If you want to post screenshots to prove your prowess, that's great but it won't be required. We're all ladies and gentlemen here, and your word shall be honored. That said, please do abide by the rules.
10. Multiple runs are permitted. Practice makes perfect, folks.
11. You do not have to use the same character for Challenge #1 AND Challenge #2. In fact, I recommend against it. Go for fast kills on Challenge #1, and then go for a more thorough cleansing on Challenge #2.
12. The challenge ends when Lonesome Road is released, at midnight on the 19th.

I'm sure I'm missing a few pertinent things here, but as they arise, I will add them to the list, so check back often. Just to test the premiss, I've played two Brain Dead Freds so far on Challenge #1 and both times I was able to make it all the way to Vegas. The first run I killed 295 people and only cleared out the first section of Vegas. The second run, I managed my time better and killed 463 people, clearing all of vegas. I will start a new *official* run to compete in the first Challenge and then go on to complete the second Challenge. Feel free to post up your builds if you want, and update on your progress too.

Good luck, and may the best Brain Dead Fred win. Let's keep it civil and have a great time being serial killers.

PS (if anyone can help me with a link to the Jason Bergman interview, it was the one where he talked about the 5 worst bugs. It's not a recent interview, but I linked to it from somewhere recently, just can't remember where).

-Gunny Brain Dead Fred out.
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:29 pm

This sounds more interesting (and less time consuming) then doing a DID character, though I indirectly am already doing one. I will start in the morning as... SINGLE SHOTGUN BILL!

Also, I think I found the interview you were thinking of right :)
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