» Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:35 pm
Since you're going from Oblivion to Morrowind, there are some things you'll need to know about combat, for one. Attacks don't always hit, instead the chance to hit is determined by a dice roll in combination with a comparison of your weapon skill and the target's defense. Also, for the most part, only stuff in the overworld is level scaled; if you go in a cave and find some NPCs or creatures, they'll probably be set a specific level or have very limited scaling. There's a list of all the differences somewhere but I can't remember where it was. Maybe somebody could post a link?
Anyway, the cliff racers are these flying creatures that are common in mountainous areas, which is about 80% of the game area. They're fast, spot you from further off than any other creature, and tend to attack in groups more than other creatures, and have wonky hit boxes, but don't have much HP or do much damage. Racers are mostly nuisances but they're very good at it.
edit: Never mind about the link, Wyrd got it.