the lore also says that the Orcs copied their design (or at least the one in Morrowind) from High Elven (Altmer) armor design.
Why can't we see the Altmer armor that the Morrowind Orchish armor was copied from. The one in Morrowind looked great and kinda like Japanese Samurai armor. I'd love to make a samurai warrior style Altmer.
Why can't we see the Altmer armor that the Morrowind Orchish armor was copied from. The one in Morrowind looked great and kinda like Japanese Samurai armor. I'd love to make a samurai warrior style Altmer.
Most technological advances draw from other sources. I'd bet the Altmer were "copying" from Akaviri designs before the Orcs further advanced the technology.
Whatever the evolution of this armor design is, according to Elder Scrolls lore the best extant smiths are Orcs.
I don't see any specific reason why it should be known as "Orcish armor" and not have some other name, rather like now Bonemold isn't called "Dunmer Armor." However I do believe it is their renown as smiths that makes Orcish equipment so widespread and popular - and thus why it keeps showing up in these games.