Since we pretty much know that there won't be weight limit. What are you bringing? Are you traveling light? Are you walking in loaded and ready to FSU? What?!
I'm personally planning on traveling light to get all the unique weapons so I'm sticking to the bare essentials:
-Lucky -Gauss Rifle (Never leave home without it) -Stealth Suit Mk.2 and Lucky Shades. :disguise:
44 magnum, doctors bag, 2 stealth boys, VG combat armor (glitched so its a weightless quest item), ton of stims & probably cowboy repeater. i try to keep it under 10-12 lbs. when i go through the DLCs to get all the loot i can which is where the long haul perk comes in handy
For weapons i like to have a bit of everything. ballistic fist for unarmed and possibly love and hate, light shining in darkness for guns, pew pew for energy, and maybe nothing for melee since i got unarmed, and use them until i find a rifle of sorts along the road for distance.
For armor i use something light from the previous dlc for example well obviously nothing for DM, Reinforced sierra madre armor for HH, and joshua grahams armor for OWB. So ill probably use the hazmat suit for LR. and i never go anywhere without my first recon beret and authority glasses.
tons of stims, 2 doctors bags, a few mentats, purified water, wasteland wanderer outfit, 1st recon beret, desert ranger helmet, light shining in the darkness, maria, love and hate, machete gladius(maybe katana instead), all-american, scripture, spork, pencil, scissors, tweezers, and all 33,000 bottlecaps
Desert Ranger CA & helmet Mercy (I know they're will be some really huge enemy, and I don't want to have to kill it with a sniper rifle) Christine's COS silencer rifle C4 and detonator Riot shotgun (big mistake not bringing one to OWB. Gonna learn from my mistakes) Holorifle Lots of skill magazines
Post-GRA: Desert Ranger CA & helmet Mercy Christine's COS silencer rifle BOZAR C4 and detonator lots of skill magazines
I have a lot of faith that the BOZAR will remain my all-time favorite Fallout weapon, and will sacrifice even the Holorifle for it.
Survivalist's Rifle and That Gun. A mod-added suit of armor with identical stats to Joshua Graham's armor. Plenty of food, water, and stims. I'm pretty minimalist in my playthroughs.
The shiny light gun, 45 smg thingy, Christine's pretty sniper rifle, machine gun and the OWB sonjaculator.
For the rest as many stims and other assorted medicine as I can carry (which would be a lot since the damned things are weightless :hubbahubba: ). Food and water too i guess.
I'm bringing everything I normally lug around. But specifically for LR, I'm going to use the YCS/186 as my primary weapon. And all 286 of my frag gernades for added fun
I always start DLCs with vanilla gamesaves & equipments only, so here's my planned loadout:
Weapons: -Chance's Knife -Shovel (in case there's any grave digging in LR) -10mm Pistol+ -10mm SMG+ -Ratslayer -All-American -Service Rifle+ (this looks kinda pointless, but I just like to carry one.) -Hunting Shotgun+ -Sniper Rifle+
Armor: -Sunglasses -1st Recon Beret -Vault 34 security armor -Explorer's Gear (backup, in case the V34 armor broken before I can find any NPC to repair) -Space Suit (for radiated environment) -Rebreather