Ok so lets start with the first problem ( the problem that made me decide to start this topic)
1. Ok so i pressed TAB in game to show the menu/character screen thingy . . . so i double clicked the window with the picture and stats of my character and it kinda disappeared and for some reason i clicked the rest of the info windows in the menu . . . ( [censored] i know, but i could not resist the urge) sooooo . . anyone kow how to get them back

2. finding my way in Morrowind is meeh, its ok when you are going to a city, because then you have waysigns, but when you are told to go to a specific location the npc's just say stuff like go east and then west and then down that bumpy road with lots of monsters then head north until you see a cave and thats ok if this was in the real world, but in the game its kinda hard to figure out ( so far i have kinda just picked a random direction and went for it