Its called Roleplaying buddy, its fun for some people :whistling:
haha. Personally, I dont find it all that farfetched. If you go the route of
I could see him wanting to take over the 38.. especially if he has already goten his revenge against Benny, and has taken Houses place in turning Vegas "independant" Why wouldnt he want to own his own Casino? Frankly I dont see how it doesnt fit into the story if your not going Legion or NCR it kinda makes perfect sense considering
You and Yes Man have taken over the Lucky 38 and Securitrons and are aiming to take over the Mojave, It actually makes less sense that your going to have that huge casino all to yourself, companions, and Yes Man and not actually turn it into somthing more than just a safehouse with a useless cocktail longue and casino...
So to me, If your going that route in the story it makes more sense to take control of the Lucky 38 in my opinion. (and it makes for more immersion which I am always glad to add more).
And of coarse there is still a story, and a storyline, but I feel like, why rush it? I dont want to zip through the story and be done with it. I want to play and enjoy other parts of the game aswell (modded content or not) so any chance to add more quests/content, Im usually gonna take it.
Another mod that is somwhat "pointless" like this is RTS Real Time Settler, In it you build your own thriving community, houses, workers, trade with other factions, hire soldiers, and set up defenses...This mod doesnt even really make you all that much caps but the point of it is for roleplaying, immersion, and all around fun! It has nothing to do with any quests and doing it takes time, time you could be spending doing quests but the point is that somtimes its fun to do other things than just the story or side quests of the vanilla game and that is the point for things like this.
This is all just my opinion ovbiously and you can have yours aswell, just tellin you how I feel bout it, lol
and the whole discussion about if Bethesda will do it or not is pointless anyway, The next dlc. The Lonesome Road, is the last story dlc anyways so it doesnt matter..