J.sawyer said he didn't like dr because it gave weird effects : 9mm pistol still dealing about the same damage,but atomic bombs dealing far less" if he said that then he is mentally challenged .If they both get hit with a 30dr they lose the same effectivness doesn't matter if it loeses 30 dam or 300 itvwill still have 7 dam or 700 ala making the same loss in effectivness it doesn't cripple one then scave the other.Holy shizzle did sawyer receantly have an annurism .I know i'm going on but :facepalm: .
Ok, before you continue being quite so obnoxious, let's have a look at what Sawyer said on his formspring:
(in response to- "Why did you scrap the DR system? Bringing back the DT was a great idea but removing the DR at the same time wasn't.")
"DR has limited scalability (100 points -- or in the case of F3, 85 points). It produces odd effects like shielding you from ten bullets' worth of damage from an explosion but from literally no damage from a low-damage bullet.
Were DR to be used with DT (which some modders have done), I think it should be used in low values (e.g. never higher than 25%, max) as a way to help reduce damage from explosions and other ultra-high DAM attacks while keeping DT the dominant value for reducing DAM on standard attacks.
I zeroed out DR values on armor because we were switching systems entirely and I wanted to limit the number of balancing factors in armor development. For modders, I would suggest establishing a rule for how DR scales with DT and follow that so you're still ultimately balancing one level of protective power. E.g. 1 point of DR for 1 point of DT, or 1.5 points of DR for each point of DT over 5."http://www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/232499837243755993
I don't know about you, but after doing some very simple mathematics it's clear to me that he's speaking perfect sense. Let's use his example:
low damage bullet - e.g. Silenced .22 pistol single non-critical shot w/ 100 Guns vs 50%
DR: 0.5 x 9 = 4.5 --> 5 damage dealt with the DR system. Protected you from half a bullet's worth of damage (4 dam).
powerful hit - e.g. Annabelle direct hit w/ 100 Explosives vs 50%
DR: 0.5 x (150+200) = 175 damage dealt, protected you from over 19 bullets worth of damage (175 dam).
Using JUST DR your leather armor or what have you is just as effective at repelling .22 rounds as it is direct shots from missile launchers.... see the inconsistency here? Not very realistic either.
Now, lets bring in the DT system instead.
Silenced .22 pistol single non-critical shot w/ 100 Guns vs 10
DT: 0.2 x 9 = 1.8 --> 2 damage dealt. Protected you from 0.8 bullets worth of damage.
Annabelle direct hit w/ 100 Explosives vs 10
DT: (150+200) - 10 = 340 damage dealt, protected you from 1.1 bullets worth of damage.
c.f. DR system protecting you from 19 bullets against one attack and 0.5 bullets the other.
In this case the armor protects you from roughly the SAME damage each time. Much more realistic. With DR it's like a magic transforming armor, which, while being as thin as tissue paper against a .22 round, instantly quintuples in thickness and becomes a flak jacket when having to deal with a missile. Now I'm not saying that DT is a better system than DR, I'm not saying that 20% is the perfect bleedthrough for a DT system, nor am I saying that DR is intrinsically a bad thing (in fact I agree completely with Sawyer when he says a small <25% DR limit would be beneficial). All I am saying is that next time you think about accusing the person who pretty much made NV's combat system what it is mentally challenged, perhaps check your facts and the direct quotes? I thought that Adept title below your username meant you know what you're talking about.