Comparisons between Fallout 3 DLC and New Vegas DLC

Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:37 am

So I was just thinking to myself about the gameplay mechanics for the DLC of the console Fallout games, and realized that there are pairs of similar DLC between the two games.

Operation: Anchorage and Dead Money both feature a linear path in which the player essentially starts with nothing at the beginning, and cannot be returned to after completion.
The Pitt and Honest Hearts both feature story driven open world exploration, and can be returned to after completion, but a faction may be missing afterwords (Pitt Raiders for the Pitt and White Legs OR Sorrows and Dead Horses for Honest Hearts)
Point Lookout and Old World Blues both feature open world exploration with fairly short main quests, but very expanded side missions and a lot of locations to explore.

From what we've been told, I think it's safe to draw the following conclusions:

Mothership Zeta and Lonesome Road both feature a linear path, but the player isn't stripped of gear and the add-on can be returned to after completion (albeit, most areas are closed off after completing Mothership Zeta)
Broken Steel and Gun Runners' Arsenal both feature a large expansion to the core game (Broken Steel adds more main quests, a few new weapons and clothing, and a small, new area while Gun Runners' Arsenal adds a bunch of new guns, mods, ammo, and challenges)

So my point is this: Which did you like more for each pair, the Fallout 3 DLC or the Fallout: New Vegas DLC?
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:17 am

So I was just thinking to myself about the gameplay mechanics for the DLC of the console Fallout games, and realized that there are pairs of similar DLC between the two games.

Operation: Anchorage and Dead Money both feature a linear path in which the player essentially starts with nothing at the beginning, and cannot be returned to after completion.
The Pitt and Honest Hearts both feature story driven open world exploration, and can be returned to after completion, but a faction may be missing afterwords (Pitt Raiders for the Pitt and White Legs OR Sorrows and Dead Horses for Honest Hearts)
Point Lookout and Old World Blues both feature open world exploration with fairly short main quests, but very expanded side missions and a lot of locations to explore.

From what we've been told, I think it's safe to draw the following conclusions:

Mothership Zeta and Lonesome Road both feature a linear path, but the player isn't stripped of gear and the add-on can be returned to after completion (albeit, most areas are closed off after completing Mothership Zeta)
Broken Steel and Gun Runners' Arsenal both feature a large expansion to the core game (Broken Steel adds more main quests, a few new weapons and clothing, and a small, new area while Gun Runners' Arsenal adds a bunch of new guns, mods, ammo, and challenges)

So my point is this: Which did you like more for each pair, the Fallout 3 DLC or the Fallout: New Vegas DLC?

Dead Money beats Operation Anchorage by far

Honest Hearts is better than the Pitt

Old World Blues is better than Point Lookout, although I liked both a lot

Lonesome Road will definately be better than Mother[censored] zeta, since MZ was absolute garbage like most of the Fallout 3 DLC

Comparing GRA and Broken Steel is like comparing apples and oranges in my opinion, since Broken Steel had a quest line while GRA doesn't...
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:54 pm

take out broken steel because no matter what theres nothing to compare it to properly and also I would compare more mothership zeta and old world blues given they are the camp 50s science themed DLC

I would take Dead money over O:A, just a better stronger story and wasnt trying to be a shooter and nothing more(was still ok though)

I would take PointLookout over Honest Hearts, for its more personal story between rivals and MQ and side quests were great, HH was still great and fun to explore but there isnt much reason to return and could gave better quests, though companions were good (just wish could talk and use them after HH) and weapons were better then point lookouts.

I would take OWB over Mothership Zeta, just felt OWB more hit the mark on the whole 50s SCIENCE thing had loads of creative NPCs and the weapons were all quite unique and enemies were little varied then alien and abomination, MZ felt more like a 5 min joke spread out for a 4 hour quest

EDIT:Wait maybe Lonesome Road will be better to compare with The Pitt given the more story focus and Point Lookout better to compare with Honest Hearts given its tribal, explore and natrual envioment
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:02 am

Fallout 3 DLCs were horribad.

If I do a New Vegas playthrough, visiting Zion, the Big Empty or the Sierra Madre are things I look forward to. Visiting any of those DLCs in Fallout 3 was pretty bleh.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:02 pm

Comparing GRA and Broken Steel is like comparing apples and oranges in my opinion, since Broken Steel had a quest line while GRA doesn't...

Well, to me, GRA seems like a non-Broken Broken Steel, since to be more similar to BS, Obsidian would have to add story after the end of the game for New Vegas (which about 75% of the community doesn't want from what I've seen), so it's kind of like the default "add to main game" pair

And you can compare apples to oranges, they're both fruits, and are both rich with Vitamin C. :disguise:

I would compare more mothership zeta and old world blues given they are the camp 50s science themed DLC

To be Honest, I was comparing based on gameplay style rather than overall themes.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:41 pm

The fallout 3 dlc's were good at the time but new vegas definitely set a new standard. Also comparing BS to GRA is a bit off don't you think ones a weapon pack the other has a plot and quests so your comparing apples and cinder blocks. Thus far I've enjoyed new vegas and its dlc more than 3's.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:46 pm

Mothership Zeta never happened.


I did love point lookout though.
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Len swann
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:19 pm

If I were to combine all the DLCs for FO3 and FONV, I would rank them as such:

  • The Pitt
  • Old World Blues
  • Dead Money
  • Point Lookout
  • Honest Hearts
  • Broken Steel
  • Operation Anchorage
  • Mothership Zeta

Lonesome Road and the Gun Runner's Arsenal are still unknown.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:20 pm

My List of DLC

1.Old World Blues
2.Broken Steel
3.The Pitt
4.Honest Hearts
5.Point Lookout
6.Dead Money
7. Mothership Zeta
8.Operation Anchorage

Lonesome Rd. will most likely be near the top of the list...
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:15 pm

I like all the NV DLCs more than FO3. Better gameplay and writing/plot/characters. All of the DLC characters were very standout and well-written. Also, the connective story of Ulysses/Big Empty/Elijah/Christine in the FNV DLCs almost make it feel like a second game to FNV vanilla, whereas FO3 DLCs, while good, seemed too distant and disconnected from each other and the main game. The only DLC to DLC reference in FO3 that I can think of is General Chase's overcoat. Besides, FNV DLC has Chris Avellone.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:25 am

1. Dead Money
2. Old World Blues
3. Honest Hearts
4. Mothership Zeta
5. Operation Anchorage
6. Broken Steel
7. The Pitt
8. Point Lookout

I think you'll notice that my "favorite" FO3 DLCs were also the most linear. That's because I wanted to get them all over with, and those were quicker. :celebration:
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:57 pm

1. Old World Blues
2. Point Lookout
3. Honest Hearts
4. The Pitt
5. Broken Steel
6. Dead Money
7. Mothership Zeta
8. Operation:Anchorage
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:34 pm

I'll just give a list myself as I find attempting to compare individual DLCs a bit difficult.

1. Dead Money
2. Honest Hearts
3. The Pitt
4. Old World Blues
5. Point Lookout
6. Operation: Anchorage
7. Broken Steel
8. Mothership Zeta
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:03 am

I do prefer New Vegas' DLCs to F3's.

My Order of DLC would be
1. OWB
2. Point Lookout
3. Dead Money
4. Honest Hearts
5. The Pitt
6. Op: A
7. Mothership Zeta
8. Broken Steel
Of course, this list is subject to change after the release of Lonesome Road and Gun Runners' Arsenal.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:31 pm

ok if everyone is doing lists

Old World Blues-My god the amount of content is amazing
Dead Money-Great Story and I enjoy that sort of gameplay
The Pitt-Great concept and ideas just tad short and could ofdone with ending slides(really wish Bethesda decided to make this bigger by taking out MZ and using its devlopment resources and time)
Point Lookout,Honest Hearts-Thinking about it,this seems more like a tie, both have great chracters and while HH has the better landscape PL had the better quests
Operation Anchorage-Just an Ok shooter
Broken Steel-really mixed on it, just the Evil ending for FO3 and MQ seem entirely pointless but enjoyed the side quests with the good ending purifer(Small quests with diffrent choices was lacking alot in FO3)
Mothership Zeta-A 5 minute joke stretched across 4-6 hours without anything fresh, albit I liked the tileset design of the ship but got all to samey
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:01 pm

I love the NV DLC, the FO3 DLC was alright
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:39 pm

1PL and OWB i can't seperate them
2 dead monet awesome mq and actually quite hard
3the pitt good mq and atmosphere and good loot
4 BS could have been mindblowing but was just decent
5 OA liked the pre war theme was a good insight to the great war although too linear
6 HH huge flop imo
7 MZ huge potential they had the whole universe as a plot .
And how is HH better than the pitt?
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:30 am

~ great ~
1. Dead Money
2. Point Lookout
~ good ~
3. The Pitt
4. Broken Steel
5. Honest Hearts
~ ok ~
6. Old World Blues (Maybe I'm just too old; [censored] jokes get old fast once you're over 25)
7. Operation: Anchorage
~ bad ~
8. Mothership Zeta
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:10 pm

As some of you may know, I hate Dead Money's gameplay. It's frustrating as all hell, mostly because of the Cloud and the stupid speakers. At least Operation Anchorage was a straight forward Call of Duty style shooter. I also hate that kind of gameplay in a Fallout game but not as much as the FREAKIN SPEAKERS! Seriously, the only reason I didn't die at all on my dead is dead RP playthrough was because I found a random glitch that the collar explodes but you survive. The point goes to Operation anchorage. But it's narrow since my favorite gun of all time, the Holorifle, is in Dead Money and is a must have for me.

The Pitt was a fun DLC, despite the bugs of the very first part. However, I simply enjoyed Honest Hearts more because the Pitt had no build up. There was some mention of the Brotherhood scourge but that was very late in the game, literally a few quests before the final battle. The Burned Man had such build up. Almost every NCR and Caesar's Legion character talked about it and there was even graffiti talking about Graham. One last thing, in Honest Hearts, you get to keep your weaponry throughout the entire DLC. In the Pitt, you cannot.

Point goes to Old World Blues. Point Lookout was a sort of swamp movie mystery horror thing. It was like "The Shining" only a lot less scary. Old World Blues on the other hand, you get a new home, the characters are hilarious as all hell, and the story has a twist that makes sense. Not to mention you had more of a diverse choice. For example, if you kill the ghoul in Point Lookout, you still have to kill Calvert. If you kill Mobius, you don't have to kill the Think Tank or vice versa. Not to mention my lover is in this DLC(Dr. Dala).
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:07 pm

Am I the only one that loved all the Fallout 3 DLCs?

1) Operation: Anchorage (I loved this DLC. Added a bunch of useful gear after completion and I found going back to a pre-war Alaska to fight the Chinese was pretty fun.)

2) Honest Hearts (This was a great DLC with the new weapons and armor added along with the interesting story.)

3) Point Lookout (The environment of this DLC was absolutely astounding. It added a creepy feel to Fallout 3 which I loved and added the double-barrel shotgun. My all-time favorite weapon.)

4) [Undecided] (I'm split on my love for space and aliens, and amazing story lines. Mothership Zeta was by far my favorite Fallout 3 DLC and I'm assuming Lonesome Road will be my favorite Fallout: New Vegas DLC. I will just have to play Lonesome Road to find out which better.)

5) [Undecided] (I agree with antisocial21 in this matter. They are just too different to compare.)
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:32 pm

1. I chose Operation Anchorage, first off mainly because of the gear you get, second because I didn't like dead money.

2. The Pitt mainly because it takes place in one of my favorite cities, pittsburgh.

3. OWB, much better gear and story than point lookout.

4. Most likely Lonesome Road, unless it is a complete let down it will probally beat MZ.

5. I don't know
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:13 pm

Eh... I find it hard to compare... so I'll just list why I like them, and in the ranks I put them in.

  • Old World Blues - Loved it, nice mix of comedy, SCIENCE!, and story. Made me laugh more often than not.
  • Dead Money - Loved the whole survival feel of it as it was new.
  • Honest Hearts - Loved the story and the sights/layout.
  • Operation Anchorage - Loved the whole idea of it, going back to the war, freeing anchorage. Coolest thing ever imho.
  • The Pitt - Honestly loved the storyline for this DLC.
  • Broken Steel - Loved the new idea that was put into what I thought as a finished game.
  • Mothership Zeta - Loved the new alien tech, as I've been a fan of it since FO1.
  • Point Lookout - Liked it, but encountered a game breaking bug 1/2 through it, still haven't finished it so I can't form a proper opinion.

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