Questions Regarding Requiem For A Capital Wasteland

Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:15 am

Just a few questions for anyone who know;

How does it deal with weapon/weapon lists? Does it distribute guns from NV in the FO3 world? Does the Hunting Use .308? Are all the FO3 weapons Ironsighted?

How does it deal with leveled lists in general? Will you find armors for FO3 in FONV, or Vice Versa? Other items in that regard?

Does it place reloading benches and campfires in relevant locations?

Do mods like Project Nevada work well with it? Can I use mods for FO3 with it as well as NV?

How are companions froM FO3 handled? Do they have Companion wheels and all the companion stuff from NV applied?
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Chelsea Head
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