Looking for people willing to help make a mod

Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:42 pm

Hello everybody!

I just want to start out by saying: The main purpose of this topic is to recruit people willing to help me re-create "Van Buren", as a mod in Fallout: New Vegas. For those of you who do not know what "Van Buren" is, it is the original, canceled, Fallout 3. It was spread across the American southwest:
"Van Buren would have taken place in the American southwest (Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah) (I heard that it also took place in New Mexico.) . The westernmost sites on the game map are the easternmost borders of New California Republic. According to the design documents it was to be set in the year 2253."
I have been browsing around the forums lately and read quite alot about it. I thought to myself: "Why has no one made a mod like this yet?" So I did some research and concluded that I and a few fellow Fallout fans (and expert modders) would re-create "Van Buren" in our image.
So here is a list of what type of modders I need:
[ ] Experts with Nif-skope
[ ] Texture artists
[ ] People who can create and texture meshes
[ ] People who can do the collision stuff
[ ] People who can make sense of it all
[ ] Voice actors
[ ] Experts with the G.E.C.K.
[ ] People who know how to do evrything on the G.E.C.K. (i.e. know how to make quests, maps, map-markers. People who can teach experts a thing or two)
[ ] People who can teach people who are noobs at working the G.E.C.K. (such as myself) how to use it
[ ] Animation experts (i.e. people who can create new, bizarre animations)
And last but not least, anyone willing to help.

If you are intrested than please reply or contact me via e-mail at dagon871@yahoo.com
Thanks for reading! :fallout: :tes:
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:13 am

People aren't going to just hop on board when all you have is an idea. Especially an idea that a bunch of people have probably had before. Get some significant work done on it first before you start recruiting
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RUby DIaz
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