» Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:26 am
I am also trapped in some kind of level cap. I am currently Level 48 and I was gaining experience and continuing along, but now I gain no experience at all. I have all three dlcs installed (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Old World Blues), and I still have weapons, apparel, aid, etc. from them so I can't relate to the problems the author of this post is facing, but my frame rate problems, that were annoying before this patch are much worse to the point were I play around 10 minutes then I drop to literally 1 frame per second and I have to shut down my system. This is happening in Red Rock Canyon and I've also had problems in and around Camp Forlorn Hope, Nelson, The Strip and a few others. Please Bethseda, Obsidian, or whoever is in charge of the patches please fix this.