PS3 Patch Update 1.07 Levels now Limited

Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:48 am

So I've been addicted to Fallout: New Vegas since I finally picked it up about 2 months ago. There were infinite possibilities on which way you could beat the game or do missions and I never saw a cap put on Level gaining. I had been gaining a lot of levels before I made the big Vegas trip to kill Benny. Got all but one of the implants and just got to level 32. When I noticed that my screen was not flashing XP gains anymore since the 1.07 update/patch. So, I finally looked to see I was maxed at 32? 32 that's BS. I do have the Wild Weird World thing or whatever, does that stop the level gaining? I don't know. I have a save where I'm 35 and still going, but was locked into the last mission. Its also MAXED at 35. This is [censored].

But limiting levels, really? Thats garbage! This game has no MP so its all about the single player and to limit levels is stupid stupid stupid. I was looking forward to maxing all of my skills and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. But now I'm halted. Only 5 skills are at 100. Hours basically down the toilet. Now I have a lot left in the game and will get ZERO out of it. All of my other save are set at MAX. I could put up with that this game froze my PS3 about 4 or 5 times a day, but I can't stand this. Games about going to the MAX. And I stated that is what non MP games are for. I think I am going to put this game down or trade it in if they aren't going to fix this.

Had I know that this was coming I would have made a TON of different choices in what skills I would raise. By the way Creators of Fallout, if you were going to limit the levels how about an FYI, hmmm? And if you're going to do it WHY NOT FIX the [censored] lag that happens so much. I have to be online in a complex MP in order to get so much lag. Here I get while I'm not online.
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:10 am

If you dont have any DLC then the actual Max level cap is lvl 30. Old World Blues, Honest hearts and Dead Money DLCs each increase the lvl cap by 5 so until the loansome road comes out, your max level is 45 with all 3 DLC. Previously PS3 users had a bug that gave them an extra 5 lvls. One more thing if you happen to have Old World Blues one the traits that was added in makes you immune to addiction from chems at the cost of stopping you from progressing past level 30 if you were to choose it.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:20 am

Yes, like thyco said, there was a bug with the last patch that enabled players to reach Level 50 regardless of any DLC that may or may not be installed. Now I can sympathize with you, but most of my characters were Level 40 when the bug was added. Now, my second (and favorite) character is 20 XP away from Level 49. This means that I missed out on all but one of the perks that will be added with Lonesome Road, in a addition for my fun being minimized because I won't be gaining XP in the DLC.

My advice: Get at least one of the DLCs so you can gain more levels up to 35. Any others will also increase the limit by 5 levels. :)
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:46 am

I've always left a few levels since dlc was announced half the fun for me is picking new perks, and really are you going to complain about the devs fixing a bug.
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carley moss
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:21 am

I'm GLAD they fixed the DLC bugs, I only have Dead Money and Old World Blues, and I'm hoping I can afford Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road soon, but I don't want to stop playing, and OWB is an exp treasure trove, so it makes quite a conondrum, so this makes my gaming experience ALOT more fun IMO since I wont miss out on HH or LR perks and traits.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:01 am

I'm happy they fixed this bug! It was so annoying before as it meant I had to stop playing a character when I reached level 45, I'm so happy they fixed it! Now I can't wait till Lonesome Road! Thank you Obsid' :clap:
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