no doubt the music with use some form of audio compression. MP3 and all it's variants svcks, big time.
What we need is a lossless release of the music.
A physical cd would be great. I'm still completely astounded
the soundtrack on cd wasn't in the collectors edition.
It's THE reason i didn't order the CE.
Agree with you TOTALLY on all these points. I do have the Oblivion download from DirectSong in MP3 files. It's OK, but you can tell its lacking some in depth and dynamic range, especially when its pumped through a HQ audio system.
I think it was a marketing stuff up on Bethesda's part big time not to include one in the CE. As I said in other CE posts, it would be the only thing which I would use and enjoy repeatedly, I'd much rather had the CD than a dust catching plastic statue, thats for sure. I had some hopes a CD might be part of the promotion at PAX, but we got those Nord versions of a Mickey Mouse hat instead. I'm sure everyone over 25 is still proudly wearing theirs to work and the supermarket, no? :biggrin: