I just hope the PC version isn't a crappy xbox port because so many games are ruined by that format.
It takes the ability to use a versatile computer to play any complex game and should leave the lack luster ones for the game boxes because they are just way to limited. PC's can let people interact and THINK instead of the main stream insipid point and shoot games that flood the market. Yes I do hate what the Xbox and other game stations have done to the gaming world and wish they knew their place.
Even the old Atari computers had a lot more going for them than today's low order game systems got. Fun games that were re-playable. This is where the MMO's and the game stations has done massive harm to modern games where you only need to play it for a day and your done and it's not worth playing again. Thank god for the Elder Scrolls games anyway.
And a real big thank you to the people who made it.