» Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:58 am
The mod I have used for years is http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2688 With it, you experience some Cliff Racers in your game for awhile. But once you've killed 200 (the number is configurable) they become extinct and disappear from your game. To me this feels like a good compromise between eliminating them entirely and enduring them for the rest of eternity.
The problem I have with Cliff Racers is that you hear the sound of the Cliff Racer even when you are outside the Cliff Racer's aggro range. That means you cannot be sure whether you're hearing a Cliff Racer who's swooping down for an attack or a Cliff Racer who is blissfully unaware of your presence. My nerves get worn out after a few hours of traveling.