» Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:43 pm
It could work as in each holiday has been altered some.
For example on October 31st a group of people in ghoul masks run up to you and ask if you want to join the fun, you ask them what is going on, they say that before the war the people would play tricks on people during hall-o-ween. You tag along to see what happens, and the next thing you know they are sticking live grenades into people's pockets... :sadvaultboy:
I don't know what they could do for Christmas that they alter what it is now. Maybe they thing a guy dressed in red brings justice to the area on his sled. So in the game a guy in a sled pulled by Brahmin goes out and saves towns from Raiders on the 12 days of christmas, he then leaves a stash of guns and ammo in the towns he saves.