Not a Quick Question with a Quick Answer...

Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:48 am

With the coming of Skyrim, I decided to resurrect a mod I was working on that involves dragon.
Sort of a teaser, if you will. I hoep to have it released by the end of this month.

It's been a long while since I used Blender and I was never really good to begin with.
(Blender 2.49b with 2.5.5 script add-ons, Python 2.6 and 2.7).

So I import a nif - ingredogreteeth.nif with the intent to scale it up to about 10X the original. I mean Dragon's teeth are BIG.
I simply selected "all", scaled it up, and exported it as a nif just like I used to when I was slightly more involved.
Switched the model path to my new mesh in the CS and loaded up the game.

Three problems then occurred:
1: The fps dropped noticebly when I added a dragon's teeth to my player.
2: When I dropped the piece from my inventory, it just floated there in front of me and I could not activate it or pick it back up.
3: My PC and the nearby NPC's starting walking around like they were stepping into invisible holes.

After qutiing the game, I looked at the original and the modified nif in Nifskope.
They are two different versions (original) and (modifed).
The blocks in the modified nif had been reordered and there were a couple missing compared to the original.
Most notibly missing was the block having to do with Mass and other related properties.

I tried experimenting a bit with copy and pasting blocks, but that didn't work out so well....

So, can anyone tell me which is the latest version of Blender I can use with Python 2.7 and what plugins I need to get?
Or failing that, would anyone be willing to scale up about 4 or 5 nif's for me? I also need to create one for a "Dragon Scale".
Using fish scales is just plain wrong....

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