Somtimes I do, and sometimes I don't :shrug: depends on my mood and what I maybe doing at the time.
I am in total agreement with Gizmo though, fast travel should have encounter interuptions like the old FO's they were cool, one of my favorites is the "The Guardian of Forever" from the first ST series episode "City on the Edge of Forever" also ...... I can't recall completely, but it had to do with teaching you about saving often because you died right there :laugh: .....ah there are so many I could go on and on, it's a shame there wasn't anything like that in the new FO's :nope:
You're thinking about the bridge encounter from
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which getting a question wrong meant you were instantly one-shotted by the Bridge Keeper.
I vastly prefer the old system myself, due to both the humor in many of the special encounters and the fact that you usually had the option to bypass an encounter you didn't want to bother with.