Cartons of Smokes, Conductors, Sensor Modules, packs of smokes, ammo, all tpyes of armor, Radscorpion glands, pre-war money. Thats stuff to look for pre level 10. After that. just wepons, armor, and ammo.
I always pick up cartons and packs of cigarettes, scrap metal, light and medium armor (especially if you have the jury rigging perk), pre-war money, and expensive ammo (.45-70 Gvt, .50, .44 magnum, etc.).
I grab smokes no matter if it's singles, packs, or cartons, any kind of ammo, most "junk" that has value, but I use mods so more of the junk pieces have other uses. I don't use chems (except stimpacks though) but I will pick up any of them for trading any weapons armor, I like having a companion to lug my goodies around the wastes :wink_smile: . I like to display the not so common weapons and armor around my home.
I self-limit myself to NEVER looting enemy armor to sell, since it really doesn't make sense to be lugging seven sets of armor. I also avoid carrying around extra weapons, jury rigging most of my looted armaments into a handful of well-repaired arms and then heading for somwhere to offload it. So really, I stick to small things like Fusion Batteries, Conductors, Smokes, Ammunition, and Chems. Grenades are also a great money-maker.
I self-limit myself to NEVER looting enemy armor to sell, since it really doesn't make sense to be lugging seven sets of armor. I also avoid carrying around extra weapons, jury rigging most of my looted armaments into a handful of well-repaired arms and then heading for somwhere to offload it. So really, I stick to small things like Fusion Batteries, Conductors, Smokes, Ammunition, and Chems. Grenades are also a great money-maker.
Your suppose to throw the grenades mate! Looting weapons and armor makes the most caps for me.