I just wanted to tell u all about the new possibilities my mod creates for use by modders.
Well u can create a whole new and better mod than Combat Enhanced with it.(provided u hav some good scripting skills)
As my mod has provisions for u to detect which of the 9 moves is being performed by the player and hence by detecting (through scripting) u can create a far more combos than those in Combat Enhanced.
As far as detecting moves is considered here you go:-
Well firstly the tags for moves hav been changed to
Short moves:
Mid Moves:
Large Moves:
as the earlier names sounded lame coz i created them haphazardly
For detecting the moves:
1.For One Handed Weapons
To detect Chop Short just detect sound ID '1hChopS' being played using function GetSoundPlaying function for player or any NPC
So For
Move SoundId (' ' not included)
Chop Short Move- '1hChopS'
Thrust Short Move- '1hThrustS'
Slash Short Move- '1hSlashS'
Chop Mid Move- '1hChopM'
Thrust Mid Move- '1hThrustM'
Slash Mid Move- '1hSlashM'
Chop Large Move- '1hChopL'
Thrust Large Move- '1hThrustL'
Slash Large Move- '1hSlashL'
2.For Two Handed Weapons:-
Its the same as for One Handed Weapons just ID difference being:-
Chop Short Move- '2hChopS'
Thrust Short Move- '2hThrustS'
Slash Short Move- '2hSlashS'
Chop Mid Move- '2hChopM'
Thrust Mid Move- '2hThrustM'
Slash Mid Move- '2hSlashM'
Chop Large Move- '2hChopL'
Thrust Large Move- '2hThrustL'
Slash Large Move- '2hSlashL'
Anybody interested pls contact me.