» Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:14 am
I remember this article.
They were referring to Oblivion. What they did was they gave two worker NPCs in Skingrad scripts that referenced items: one had a script to use a hoe and the other had a script to use a rake. Then, out of curiosity, they wanted to see what would happen if they swapped the character's items with each other, and the result was that both NPCs got royally pissed off and started fighting each other to the death. This confused other NPCs who marked it as theft and murder and assault and and and until eventually, somehow, the guard faction and the citizen faction were at war.
And as for theft, yes, some NPCs do steal. It's not scripted, but rather a random possible decision by their AI if all of their disposition levels are just right. There's only a couple though. Off the top of my head, there was a redguard in Skingrad, Big Head from Shivering Isles and both beggars in Bravil had a habit of stealing. Usually all this did was result in their deaths though.