Well right now I'm just having a think about what I want to play as. In oblivion I'm currently a dark elf, but in Skyrim I would like to play someone a bit more "friendly". I will most likely play as a stealthy archer. I was thinking Breton but on the wiki it says they are mages. And I dont really like the wood elves history of cannibalism.
I'm thinking I will probably be a stealthy archer Breton but I feel I HAVE to use magic since dont they get bonus's for that? Anyone get what I mean..
I have a stealthy archer Breton in Oblivion (and an Orc mage, and a Bosmer barbarian, and an Altmer heavy armor tank...) You've never had to be any particular thing with any particular race in a TES game.
Nonetheless, people remain convinced that races are somehow locked into particular playstyles, and in spite of the fact that that's actually a misperception, Beth has gone to some lengths to "fix" that "problem." So, in Skyrim, there will be even fewer differences between races and those differences will be even less significant, by design.