» Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:49 pm
Right now in my current and favorite RP character, I control New Vegas with a very powerful but good presence. In such terms, I usually go the good route...except with Super Mutants. Jacobstown? Never heard of it. Why? Because it's a dead city. Black Mountain? Nothing except Raul(didn't feel like hiring him though) survived my cleansing.
However my next favorite playthrough and one I really want to get back to is an NCR field commander of a small unit. The unit itself is comprised of regular NCR troops or Rangers I recruit using a mod where I can recruit any friendly NPC. My character is an incredible [censored] in terms of battle. Kill everything in sight...leave none alive.
But anyways...here are a few of my accomplishments.
Cottonwood Cove - Dressed up in Legion armor, held Phoenix to gunpoint and executed him. Escaped flawlessly by sprinting into the sea and swimming across to safe ground, then taking potshots at pursuers.
Freeside - Helped the Kings for reasons to give them control of Freeside as a police force. Got the Kings to help NCR Squatters
Jacobstown - Meh, not a good place to visit. It's creepy, everybody's giant, green, and missing one or two limbs
Nelson - NCR hands...later going to be mine....MWAHAHAHA
Monorail - Completely safe
Silus - What a boring guy to talk to! He just lays there without a head, bleeding