Character Creation Thread

Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:39 pm

Hello everyone.
Now, I'm as guilty as anyone for excessive "What character shall I create?" threads. Mostly I make them because I enjoy talking about character creation and seeing everyone else's takes on the same (or similar) idea.

So I figured, rather than us cluttering up the forum with the afforementioned threads, why not have a thread dedicated to this sort of thing?

I'll get the ball rolling with an idea I've been toying with lately for a Witch type character.

She's going to be a Dunmer from Vvardenfell. Other than that I've got no real ideas. I was thinking of taking The Atronach, as I've previously discussed an idea for a Shaman, and settled on that sign (mainly because it won't allow me to go in slinging spells everywhere).

Any further ideas?

Or anyone else with character ideas?
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Jason King
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:37 pm

Sounds like you've got a good idea there, all I'd suggest when picking your skills for your Witch class though, is you take either Mysticism (for telekinesis) or Alchemy (for creating easy magicka potions) to counter the effects of Atronach. The rest is pretty much up to you, though I often find Conjuration fun to play with on any mage character.

I'm planning on making a new character when I get the time and the only specifics I have so far is they are going to be a Nord and have The Atronach birth sign also. I'm leaning towards a Barbarian type character though, just to wander off the beaten track. I wouldn't normally associate The Atronach with a Nord Barbarian!

Good luck with your character when you make her though!
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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