Crysis 2 DX11 patch wont go full screen!

Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:59 am

OK so I patched my version of Crysis 2 to the DX11 version and added the high detail texture package as well with no issues except that the screen is scaled down now and I can't get it to go full screen at 1920x1080 res.

This was a problem in Crysis 1 at 1920x1080 res and you had to toggle Alt+Enter a few times to get it to reset and work. But that trick is not working for Crysis 2.

Before the DX11 patch it played fullscreen at 1920x1080 and I do not have this issue with any other game or application. No my over/underscan is not scaled in ATI CCC (I would see that on the desktop) its set to full screen.

Only thing I noticed was that if I toggle the graphics option for 'Full Screen' in game it goes into a quasi window mode-boarder but the game itsself is full screen. The second you toggle back to full screen it scales down.

I got it to work (temporarily) by toggling the full screen option 1 time, all the other times it either crashed my system or went back to a scaled window. When it did stay in fullscreen, I played the game for at least an hour without any issues.

Here is what I'm seeing....

Notice how the green honeycomb pattern stops an inch from the edge of the screen all around?


With Full Screen option toggled the image fits the window but it has a boarder... When toggled back it sometimes stays full screen other times goes back to scale and sometimes crashes

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:17 pm

Well I had the exact problem and here's what I did.
I opened system.cfg (if you installed the patch and/or the CryEngine 3 Sandbox Editor, just search it via Windows Search, they have changed its location) and added these CVars:

r_Height = 1078
r_Width = 1920

just under the command "r_displayInfo = 1". The problem is with the overscan. You have to choose a value for height which is a couple of pixels down than the Full HD, e.g. 1078 but not 1080. If you play the game in a different resolution, just do the same but only with height. If it doesn't work, try a different value (1079 or 1077). Hope it'll help you!

P.S.: Forgive me for my poor English.
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