I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what the Lord of the Rings is, And if you haven't, Watch them
Anyway, I Was thinking of making a character, It wouldn't be Exactly Legolas, Which race would he be? Just looking like him, What bow would he use, Armor/ Clothes?, Hair Style?
I'd go Elven bow, forester shirt or drothmeri tunic. Leather bracers or some other bracers. Not sure about the greaves, but maybe leather or something. Racewise, go for a Bosmer and tweak the height to Altmer. Or if on console, pick Altmer because Race doesn't really matter in the long run.
Even though he's a marksman and not a spell caster, I'd go with Altmer.
If you are on the PC there are some nice ranger mods for the clothes.
Elven bow of course. But there are some nice bow mods as well. Even the OOO mod comes with things like an Elmwood bow that might be better. But I wouldn't want Legolas to be carrying a Dwemer bow
What is Lord of the Rings?... Just kidding. I would say use Wood Elf (Bosmer if I am correct) since they are suppose to be good with Bows. I was going to say Altmer (High Elf) since they are tall and skinny, but I don't see Legolas as a big magic user and have weakness to them, but then again, we never saw any magic cast at him so who knows if he is weak against magika.
For stats, Bosmer, for Looks wich is more important I believe, Altmer.
Are you on console or PC? If PC, I'd use the construction set and make your own race. Take wood elf for the marksman bonuses, make him taller and thin. Use a couple of hair mods with long hair and you'd be good to go.
If console, Altmer, blonde and make as long as you can.