Specialization: Stealth
Attributes:Strength, Intelligence
Skills: Block, Blade, Light Armor, Alchemy, Destruction, Illusion, Sneak
Race: Dark Elf
Gender: Male
Birth Sign: Thief
Stealth is a good Specialization, since for me at least I have a hard time leveling up those skills since I don't use them much.
I would strongly take Sneak, Block and Alchemy out of major skills because you will be using them alot, and level up too fast. What happened to me, is I leveled to level 10 really fast but only had my weapons skill around level 4 because of sneaking, alchemy and for me healing alot. So for you I can see sneaking, alchemy and blocking leveling you up to quickly. Since you level up, enimies become harder, but your weapon skills might not be up to par then. I love Sneaking around and using a Bow. For me, I find it hard to level up marksman so I have that as a major skill as well as Blade. DO NOT take Atheletics or Acrobatics as a Major Skill either since they will REALLY Level you up real fast. Those can be kept as minors as well.
I wouldn't use the Thief sign because you will always be able to increase your attributes later. Unless you really need your +10 Luck, I wouldn't take it. Since you have Destruction as a major skill I am assuming you want to cast lots of destructive spells, so maybe thaking the Mage or at least the Apprenitice sign instead.
This is a great build for a first time play through. By that I mean play for about 8-12 hours, get a hang of the game, how it works, what doesn't work and then go ahead and make a new charcter.
Also next time if you have not done so, when you make a new character, before you leave the sewers, make a save, and KEEP IT, NEVER DELETE IT, so this way when you want to restart again, you can just load up from that game and change what ever you want then.
If you want to play something a little easier than a Dunmer (Dark Elf) Try a Breton since their speical ability is to absorb 50% of magika thrown at your way.
Hope this helps.