Deus Ex had 2-autosaves and it worked great. I'm glad to see that they have expanded upon this idea with customization and the addition of a third save slot!
Hope this is the case also for quick saves; 3-5 slots. So that I never have to do main saves other than before important decisions, or at the exit from the starter dungeon. God knows I have had quite a few ruined quick saves due crash on save. Nonetheless, some pretty good news. :trophy:
Sounds good. I would still like to have named saves to separate my characters though.
Agreed. But I'm still happy with the 3 cycled auto-saves...for those moments when I'm so deep into what's going on that I totally forget to save and the BOOM!, random dragon encounter then BOOM!....dead :sadvaultboy:
It just sounds like every TES game ive played. For me, there's always an autosave file, a quicksave file, and a personal (master) file I create myself. There doesnt seem to be anything new here. Maybe there is though
Couldn't care less about this, I wanted the saves to be organized like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.(Special save slots for each character) so people don't overwrite their best characters with a new one... I can't believe they didn't implement it to be honest.