If your real self, your personality and other attributes, existed in Skyrim, into which one of these racial presets would you be incarnated? I don't necessarily mean which one would would you choose because you like her the most, I mean which one reminds you of yourself in some way? I know we are all human, but she doesn't have to be a nede. Which one captures your looks and personality? Maybe you see a familiar expression, or hairstyle, or you think you have a mysterious magical side to you (Altmer?). Azura forbid you look like an orc---unless you're a girl :hubbahubba:
I would say the http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/4389/measabosmer.jpg, the one with brown eyes and and red facepaint on his nose, reminds me of myself the most. I'm a relatively small guy so the woodelf build suits me. Also the facial structure, and the curly hair that sticks up into the sky!