Was it confirmed anywhere that it really works like this? I only read a small fraction of all the previews, interviews and articles about Skyrim available, but so far the only official information from Bethesda about level scaling I've read is that it's 'more like Fallout'. Which could mean anything. What you write is what everyone seems to think how it might work, but it was confirmed nowhere that it really works like this afaik.
The more I think about it, the more I'm worried about it. Especially after I read that article from a french gaming website where they say enemies scale +/- 2 levels to the player. And where Pete Hines was quoted saying that you need level scaling in an open world game so there is no restriction where the player can go. If there would be places where enemies would always have a minimum level of, say, 25 then there would be a restriction.
My fears are that it will be like this: There are high and low level encounter zones. If the player enters a high level encounter zone the enemies spawning will be 2 levels above him, making it challenging to beat them, but certainly not impossible or even very hard. In a low level encounter zone enemies will be 2 levels below him, making it easier to defeat them, but not too easy. The enemy levels in these zones are locked afterwards so if the player comes back they will still have the same level.
In Bethesda's weird minds this system should allow the player to explore the whole world while giving him a challenge in some places and making him feel powerful in other places. If he returns at a higher level to a location he has visited before he will get a sense of achievement since the enemies in that location will still be the ones he met when he first visited the location. The system will never let him be too powerful so combat is boring, neither will it let him be too weak, so defeating enemies is extremely hard or even impossible.
Of course this is nonsense, but I could very well imagine that it works that way. That would be horrible. I hope someone can confirm that I'm wrong. Is there anywhere a detailed explanation by Bethesda where they say that there will be numerous encounter zones where you can meet enemies far above your level if you are low level (for example a level 1 character running into level 25 enemies)?
Let me try and find a detailed source for you. It may take me a bit though!
Sadly, I could see what you say being true... Hopefully I can find where I originally read it.
Just so I understand this level scaling. Is that true?
Of the 150 Dungeons around Skyrim, (say) 50 are level 40+, 25 are level 30+ etc. or within the ranges you mentioned.
So I can go into a dungeon at level 2 and get my ass handed to me by a level 35 Ice wraith?
I really hope this is the case
made dungeon exploring so much better in MW.
I am at least 90% sure that is how it is supposed to be. Like I said above, I'll find the source.
If anyone else knows it, feel free to post it to save me some time
EDIT* Alright, I haven't found a deep explanation of how it exactly works for Skyrim, but they have said it works a lot like Fallout 3, so here is an explanation of Fallout 3's scaling http://fallout3.wordpress.com/2008/07/29/the-definitive-story-on-level-scaling/ I imagine since they learned from their mistakes with Oblivion's scaling as Emil said, Skyrim's can only be a further improvement from Fallout 3. Though that is obviously speculation on my part.
From what we can see in that explanation Fallout 3's scaling is as some of us have been saying our understanding of Skyrim's is. The only problem I see is Skyrim does not use an XP system like Fo3, so how will they gauge what level you will most likely be by the end of the main quest? It seems our only real worry as far as scaling goes will be the main quest being scaled a lot so anyone can experience it. However, I would challenge that by referring to the demos we've seen where even Todd's level 30ish beefed up Todd-Mode character had a bit of trouble with dragons. Once again, that is speculation. For all we know the Dragons are scaled to always be challenging no matter the level. Though I would imagine if that was the case they would still match the encounter zone. So, if you enter a level 50 encounter zone you just might get destroyed by a level 50 Dragon.
I just wish they would make a big post about it so we don't have this grey area of uncertainty.
Edit2: Oops, fixed the link. :sweat: