I play some of the vampire dreams or make up my own.
My character Aravi gets vampire dreams and when she goes to sleep I switch to another save file and play the dream that she experiences.
I actually have one recorded on the current page in my http://chorrol.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4695&pid=132969&st=440 over in another forum.
Yea yea see there ya go. Thanks for this, I'm gonna try this or something like this for sure.
Another idea I'm playing out is Kate doesn't have to eat anymore. I'm going by the Anne Rice model of vamps who are supernatural undead beings, and they therefore no longer need to eat food, although kate has to occasionally drink a health potion. :shrug:
I pulled out my old D&D Monster Manual (circa 1977 ! ) and found that vamps can
..Charm other NPCs
..Drain health
...summon wolves and bats (I'll have to substitute Command Creture here)
..turn into a "gaseous form" (I'll have to substitute Invisibility in Oblivion)
..turn into a bat (occasional fast travel seems realistic here, although Kate has to be unencumbered by any clothes, weapons, or items for her to use this power

follow a Chaotic Evil lifestyle, but Kate already was an evil character before becoming a vamp.
goodness, I'm such a geek. :D