look, I just bought this game off origin
and as you can tell I cant play the game, well MP at least. but then again I dont care for SP.
I filed the case to their support but just thought I'd post here too if anyone has a solution. and you would understand if I dont read through all 167 pages of "that", plus, the few cases I read the game just "miraculously" started working again.
so I made an account in crysis2 beta
after I installed the game it tells me my license key is invalid. fine, I copied down the key on paper and punch it in and I think it worked? I mean theres no notification message or anything?
and then I couldn't create an account (or I finally did if the account is linked to this forum) I requested a recover email.
still after all of that, whenever I tried to connect to game it saids there's the connectivity problem.
I had to wait 2 mins of waiting screen and punch in the license key everytime I "try" and it's bs
can somebody enlighten me or did I just wasted money and time on this damnation.